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Eating Disorder Support / by Tabrisllilim22
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March 9th, 2023
...See more TW: bullimia Usually my anxiety has been affecting my stomach again, so much so that yesterday I had to purge because what I had eaten earlier felt horrible. The thing is with purging for me at least, once it happens again, I don't want to stop. I had been fine with eating and exercising for a couple of months already, but more thoughts are popping up now. It just feels like I'm stuck with bad eating habits right now, and they could get worse again
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3 months clean - dealing with relapsing
Self-Harm Recovery / by Tabrisllilim22
Last post
April 1st, 2022
...See more Hello eveyone! I'm writing this thread to share my personal journey, thoughts, feelings & tips for when you relapse, are in recovery, etc. . Recently, I had a psychiatric screening done & found out I am "predisposed to irritation" I have yet to meet with my psychiatrist this month, but that could mean several things such as bipolar being in my RNA...this obviously made me really anxious. I don't know what a new diagnosis would mean exactly for me but woth self harm - it's been on & off. . I am no stranger to self destructive tendencies so when it comes to self harm, for me personally, I use it as a means to release my rage at the world & myself. I've realized that now. To cope with it productively I turn to physical activity and/or work but even that can only go so far before you have to deal with personal problems. With that being said though - exercise really does help. I know that's quite cliche but, it naturally releases feel good chemicals. Endorphins & dopamine to be exact (source; my cousin who's a nutritionist) Recently, I've been trying to get back into excercise, I know motivation is a problem for me so to motivate myself - I use my own rage & that little negative voice in my head saying I can't do it. Now I understand why people take before & after photos of hitting the gym. It's the results that matter & it's the hard work that goes into it that feels the most good :)) To get back into excercise or even just daily motivation/ affirmations. I would love to know - what motivates you lovely people to get up in the morning? Or in other words, to continue the long& complicated journey we call life?
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Anime & Manga fans - favorites
Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support / by Tabrisllilim22
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June 3rd, 2022
...See more Hello everyone (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) This is my first thread so for starters I thought I'd try something out. The first anime that got me hooked was Neon Genesis Evangelion & to this day it's still one of my favorites because of how much comfort it brought me as an angsty, lost, depressed middle schooler. To this day I feel as if it has done the same for so many others. . . So let's begin this new chapter by simply asking all of you What's your favorite anime and/or manga? (and why) ⊙﹏⊙ . . . My personal favorite is March Comes in like a Lion! It's on Netflix & I relate to it so much as someone who's experienced the loss of close family before. I would 100% recommend it! It's very heartwarming, how we should all apply empathy & kindnesa but that's just me haha. I'd love to hear all of your personal favorites or recommendations ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
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