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Whose fault is it?

User Profile: Silenteyes77
Silenteyes77 April 20th, 2018

I was diagnosed with bipolar a year ago this past December. I went through a stage of everything was everyone elses fault it couldnt be mine. So now my husband and I are having issues because he seems to be asking more than I can give right now mentally. We both have been going through a lot of stress and work has been crazy for both of us. The question I keep asking myself is is it really him that is asking too much or is it me not wanting to give much? Is this a its not my fault moment? Everything I do seems to be the wrong thing to do is it because he wants perfection or is it me sabatoging everything?

User Profile: SilentSerenityy
SilentSerenityy April 21st, 2018


If you accept you went through a phase of thinking everyone else was at fault and not you, then could this be happening again? In a relationship, you have to be selfless sometimes and view things from their point of view and ask yourself how you could improve your own behaviour to improve things for both of you. I can't say much more as you haven't been specific about what the issue is between you two exactly.