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EleutheromaniaMind March 21st, 2022

Im pretty sure I have bipolar depression. I’ve been diagnosed with reg. depression but it’s not just that. I have these moments where I’m completely euphoric in the middle of hell. Like I’ll be in the midst of becoming homeless(trying to scrape cash together to pay rent but it’ll seem like the perfect time to go get a tattoo or go shop, party. There’s times I just want to sit in bed and cry or just stare at a wall for 6 hours. Then there’s times I can’t sit still for more than 5 mins. If I’m not doing something anything I feel worthless. My brain goes a million miles a min and I can’t focus on any one thing. I spend up all my money on bs and can’t recall what I spent it on. And then there’s the burst of energy when I feel like a kid and I just wanna play, wrestle and just be loud randomly and it last a short while maybe 30 mins or so. I just don’t know what to do. And I don’t have insurance just yet(working on it)

MidwesternCalmSeeker April 14th, 2022


I hope that you find peace soon. It sounds like a lot, especially if you're not totally sure what it is you're dealing with. Sending warm and calming thoughts to you.

sthembisond April 14th, 2022

I pray Jesus Christ bless you & heal u immediately; Bcz beings homeless wuld mak things worst 4 u; it sound u do monitor & observe yo bethavior dats gud; Try drafting yo monthly budget & stick 2 it; buy wat u nid not wat u want, adopt new hobbies like gym; volunteer or participating at charity companies where u help the poor; read books abt human conditions call Freedom by jeremy Griffin.