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PathStep 5 Compassion hearts27 Forum posts11 Forum upvotes14 Current upvotes14 Age GroupAdult Last activeJanuary, 2023 Member sinceFebruary 28, 2022
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Someone please respond to me
Depression Support / by EleutheromaniaMind
Last post
September 13th, 2022
...See more I don’t know what to do anymore I’ve been depressed for the better part of the last 3 years. Lately it’s really taking over and effecting my marriage my job my relationship with my son and the rest of my family. I don’t feel like getting out of bed most days. And when I do my temper is so short with my wife and kid. When at work I’m not interacting with anyone. I’m barely focused on my work/ barely doing my job. I dont seem to care if I get fired but I do care cause ik I won’t be able to pay my bills. But that not stopping me from calling off or just not showing up. I’m scared I’m gonna lose my marriage but I also feel like it’ll be one less responsibility. I’m scared and I’m sad and I don’t have anyone to talk to. Well I can talk to my sibs or my mom I guess but I also don’t want anybody in my business. I try talking to my wife but it nvr comes out right. I had a dream I committed suicide and I was so happy. Idk what that means. I just wanna feel better. I just wanna go back to being happy or at least not feeling like nothing matters. I can’t find the purpose anymore. I don’t wanna fee like this. Please help me.
Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support / by EleutheromaniaMind
Last post
April 14th, 2022
...See more Im pretty sure I have bipolar depression. I’ve been diagnosed with reg. depression but it’s not just that. I have these moments where I’m completely euphoric in the middle of hell. Like I’ll be in the midst of becoming homeless(trying to scrape cash together to pay rent but it’ll seem like the perfect time to go get a tattoo or go shop, party. There’s times I just want to sit in bed and cry or just stare at a wall for 6 hours. Then there’s times I can’t sit still for more than 5 mins. If I’m not doing something anything I feel worthless. My brain goes a million miles a min and I can’t focus on any one thing. I spend up all my money on bs and can’t recall what I spent it on. And then there’s the burst of energy when I feel like a kid and I just wanna play, wrestle and just be loud randomly and it last a short while maybe 30 mins or so. I just don’t know what to do. And I don’t have insurance just yet(working on it)
Poly problems
Relationship Stress / by EleutheromaniaMind
Last post
March 22nd, 2022
...See more My wife and I have been poly since 2018. I messed up and fell in love with a girl I cheated with in 2020. We separated for a while, talk through it etc. and got back together. I offered to put a pause on our poly life but she didn’t want to. But since then she hasn’t dated or talked to anyone for more than a few weeks. I’ve talked to 2 people but I can never really allow myself to gain a connection cause I feel she isn’t really into it anymore. I love her and would choose her a million times but idk what to do to make her feel more comfortable. P.S I guess it wouldn’t be fair for me to leave out that the cheating came after she felt the friendship was causing a problem and she asked me to cut things off. I didn’t. Continued talking to her then when my wife and I separated I continued talking to her. I fell for the girl, Officiated our relationship. I didn’t feel it was fair for her to end my situation cuz she had a feeling. ( she seen a text that said I give good hugs) I know I fucked up but I’m still in love with the other damn girl. And I would never Perdue her it would hurt my wife. Plus it’s mad embarrassing. What do I do?
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