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Talking at a million mph, shaking and sweating - are these manic symptoms?

Azulblue September 19th, 2017

Hello everyone, I'm cautious not to undermine people who are truly suffering with bipolar and have been diagnosed... I just thought to ask people who actually have it if my symptoms sounds familiar? I know I have a problem but am not sure what it is... If it's anxiety, depression, bipolar!?... Basically these are what make me question it: my family history of this is that my grandfather had manic depression (bipolar) and schizophrenia.

I think at the age of 16 I remember clearly saying to my mum that I have never felt so happy... And for absolutely no reason, I just felt elated... I've always been a nervous person who has panic attacks, but at this point suddenly I felt like anything was possible and I would not have to worry about anything in life ever again... I remember noticing this after a few days of being completely over the moon about nothing.... And then I remember like a sudden crash, I felt depressed. I knew then that I had never felt depression before because it was the first time I felt like this especially after such elation. I lost all joy in every thing and couldn't even force myself... Since then I've been up and down (I'm not 20) and I have periods where I'm depressed , at first I thought it was PMS but then I realised after tracking it wasn't only before menstruation... I also remember, but I'm not sure for how long, always being aware but never really thinking much about it of these stages of 'hyperness' where I literally couldn't get my words out fast enough, my thoughts were just bursting , and I got angry at people for not understanding... This just happened to me: I was talking to some friends and I kept having fits of laughter for no reason, and I couldn't stop it ( this also used to be a problem in school and id get sent out of class and I was laughing for no reason) and I was shaking, sweating even though I was cold, and couldn't talk as quickly as wanted to... And sure enough ive realised that the last few days I have been really on top of the world, but I only notice it afterwards and right now I just feel like crying... It's so confusing... I have read that sometimes when manic people spend a lot of money and this has happened to me a few times.... When i've done it, and I'm not sure what I was thinking, I literally bought everything I wanted (and I am not a big spender at all usually) and the most recent time I did it, I came back home and burst into tears, and felt how I did now... My heart and head is racing but my mood is dropping and I know I am going to be depressed now.... I sleep a good amount but I am so tired all of the sudden... But this may be due to different reasons of course... I just want to hear whether any of this sounds familiar so when I go to the doctors I can be specific as to what I believe is the problem.. maybe it's just anxiety because I have panic attacks and am an extremely nervous person....

LeetheUnicorn September 20th, 2017


The best way to get a diagnosis is by talking to your doctor as we can't diagnosis you here! However I did make a post about diagnosis information for a lot of mental illnesses that you can go to here: and learn a bit more about!