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Looking for some support

AnAlivePerson March 16th, 2020

Hi all,

My name is Autumn and I'm pretty new here. To this community and to 7cups. I was hoping to find some support because I'm having a pretty difficult time controlling my emotions. I know when I was younger I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. I don't know if this is the root cause of my feelings but I thought I'd post here. For nearly all my life, I've been a "crybaby" as my parents have called it. I'd get upset about the littlest of things and it would make them angry. Eventually, it got to a point to where my dad taught me to get angry instead of sad and actually do something about my emotions. For several years, I did okay. Now I am in college and it's back. I just don't know what my problem is. I'll be super happy one day and then cry my eyes out the next day. I feel I've been making lots of progress. And I have a boyfriend who has been very supportive throughout my journey. I just get afraid that I cry/get emotional too much and that he will get tired of me. He assures me he won't but everyone gets tired eventually. I want to get a better grip on my emotions and stop being such a crybaby. I want to be loving and supportive and not be so wrapped up in my own issues. I know I need to have patience with myself. When I'm upset, I forget about all of my great qualities and all the accomplishments I've made.

Does any have any suggestions on how to better control emotions?

Thank you for your support. ❤

RiverJumper2 March 17th, 2020


Hi Autumn. I am too living with bipolarism. I understand how it can be hard to cope with it. I when trough highs and lows and I just manage to get to a point where I feel stable. If you want to talk about anything I'm here to listen , just shoot me a message.