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Bipolar Hope

BPhope June 28th, 2022

Hey there, any tips on how to navigate bipolar2 in regards to support groups in teams or zoom?

I’ll start with some insight.

My partner and I are struggling to stay aligned on when we are in a “bipolar moment” - afterwards we can look back and see that it was a bipolar moment but when we are in the middle of an “emotions riding high” situation we think things are okay and then we get sucked into “bipolar conversations” in which my partner thinks I’m pretending she is unwell to manipulate her…. Which is the bipolar talking, my wife she can’t see it in the moment and if I address her concerns with logic she then thinks I’m patronising her because I’m trying to stay calm.

sometimes I doubt myself, take onboard my partners concerns and it turns out to be a bad decision because we can see it was a bipolar moment.

If I identify bipolar conversations early and avoid them my partner believe I’m dodging accountability because I advise to discuss the matter when we are both in the frame of mind that we can both talk through problems to a solution.

if I agree with my partner she believes I am pacifying her and gets offended if I highlight Bipolar flags she believes I’m using bipolar as a weapon

I cab be a numpty and upsetting and I can cope incorrectly but I do my upmost to consider all perspectives and would never do the things my partner thinks I’m doing

My priority is my wife’s well-being sometimes I even prioritise her over myself, I have lost jobs and ended up sleeping in my car, I have moved into my own place to move back into the family home multiple times and I really want to get things right for my wife, she deserves the best and bipolar is soooo unfair to her, I read books watch videos speak to therapists listen to podcasts and scour the internet, I think we could benefit from hearing how other people navigate’.

professionalVision2624 June 28th, 2022


Hi there BPhope

I’m so happy you posted here! If you want support with how to navigate Bipolar you can always browse the listener page here! and connect with wonderful and empathic listeners. One tip is to look at the listener’s bio and see if they have Bipolar” under their direct/lived experience, as these listeners might be best suited to provide support in how to navigate Bipolar! Otherwise you can always enter different support rooms in order to gain some more insight!

Best of wishes, Vision <3

azureLake9999 June 29th, 2022

Hi there,

My situation is a little different but maybe it will help. I struggle with OCD and my partner is the one who supports me.

I noticed you mentioned that you try to offer logical solutions to help your partner. This can be great at times, but can be tricky too. My partner and I had to learn together over time-- sometimes I really just need him to listen and understand the feeling that I'm having. When he gives me logical advice, although he is definitely trying to help and reduce my stress, it can sometimes make me feel like he didn't think my feeling was important. It isn't the truth of the matter but it's just how I feel.

So for me, when I'm struggling with OCD related things, my partner will try to focus on validating my feelings, like holding my hand and saying "it must be really frustrating to deal with that" instead of jumping right to advice like "try to do your meditation". I take advice so much better once my emotions have been validated first.

Anyway hopefully that helps in some type of way!

helpfulSkies680 July 14th, 2022

There is an app called clubhouse where people can meet to have discussions. One of the groups you should join is called I Married Bipolar. This group shares stories and coping strategies they use in their marriage. They usually tape the discussions so you can listen to them in case you cannot log on during their meeting times. They also invite life coaches whose job is to help families navigate struggles with bipolar. Hope this helps!

YouCanCallMeRyan July 16th, 2022

Support groups area mixed bag. I was in one that was very rigid and had a strong "positive only" policy. Nuts for a group of bipolar people. Another I do like but I'm not sure it's really all that helpful. I've been on sessions where someone was talking about being depressed and suicidal, went through their reasons for being depressed, and my first thought was to think "yeah, your life isn't woth living." She was a beautiful younger woman with a job. I'm so glad I didn't actually say something.

I did once speak up when another person talked about suicide, but not to talk them down, but to advise them against pills because they're not effective.

I'm a very solution oriented person. What would be helpful to me would be a simple "you're not yourself today" reminder. It sounds like your partner wants the opposite though.

Maybe better in your situation not to actually say anything, but do something that can help. For me that would mean separating from the situation; going away for a weekend. I'll do something I enjoy but not so rare it will make me nostalgic and depressed another time thinking I can't do it again.
