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Another update... another change (back to BP2)...

User Profile: Phoenix84
Phoenix84 April 14th, 2017

Alrighty... since the first appointment with a psychiatrist (16 March), there was a teaching session the next week (24 March). She spoke with me after that 2nd interview, and said she was sure it was BP1 from seeing how I handled that one. Told me to rebook in 2-3 weeks, and keep the already scheduled 27 Apr one too, wanted to bump again.

Just had that 3rd appointment yesterday (3 in a month). Now that she's had a chance to read through the typed history I had given her, and go over the notes from the previous 2 sessions. she's pretty sure it's BP2 now. The coin flip of being a danger to others when I get too high and blank out... or myself when I hit bottom...

So far the antipsychotic has been doubled in a month... and today is the first day in a long time that my brain is almost quiet, and not running 3-4 seperate directions at the same time.

User Profile: ladylazarus1971
ladylazarus1971 April 15th, 2017

@Phoenix84 Sounds like THEIR diagnosis is rapid-cycling! What is WITH these people?
Glad your head feels quieter.

1 reply
User Profile: Phoenix84
Phoenix84 OP April 15th, 2017


Said it a number of times... they call it a medical PRACTICE for a reason :p

Until we get Star Trek style tricorders, it's all just trial and error to treat any medical or mental issues.

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