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Raspberrycheesecake profile picture
What is Bipolar?
by Raspberrycheesecake
Last post
3 days ago
...See more What is Bipolar? An Internship Honours Project by RaspberryCheesecake. Bipolar Bipolar is known as manic depression. It is a very severe mental health illness. It is characterised by mood swings. These mood swings include manic highs and depressive lows. Both male and female of any ethnic or social background can suffer from bipolar. There is no age range it targets and develops within. The symptoms can start to occur at any time and can then reoccur when emotional pressures at their highest with the individual. Bipolar can be triggered by: Work stress, Study stress, Family stress, Emotional pressures, Childbirth – in women, Menopause – in women. Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar, but having enough guidance and support, and receiving an early diagnosis, along with accepting the illness can still live a happy life. There are ways you can manage bipolar, and these are: Medication, Health care, Therapy, Self-management. Types of Bipolar There are six main types of Bipolar. These types of bipolar involve changes in the individuals: mood, activity levels and energy. These moods can range from extremely elated and energised behaviour, or very down and hopeless periods. The less severe manic periods are explained as hypomanic episodes. The first main type of bipolar is, Bipolar 1 Disorder. This type of bipolar is defined by manic episodes. These episodes tend to last around 7 days. Sometimes the manic symptoms are so severe, the individual needs to be in immediate hospital care. Depressive episode can also occur however, these typically lasts for 2 weeks. Having episodes that consist of mixed features (depression and manic symptoms) can be possible. If this type of bipolar is untreated, manic episodes can last between three to six months. Also, without treatment, depressive episodes can last longer – between 6 to 12 months. The second main type of bipolar is, Bipolar 2 Disorder. This type of bipolar is defined as a pattern of hypomanic and depressive episodes. However, this type of bipolar is not as severe as Bipolar 1 Disorder, because of the full-blown manic episodes that Bipolar 1 Disorder has. Majority of individuals with Bipolar 2 will likely to have more than one episode of severe depression and others could experience hypomania, which would be a 6 to 8 on the mood scale, rather than an extreme manic episode, which is 8 to 10 on the mood scale. The third type of bipolar is, Cyclothymic Disorder. This type of bipolar is also known as Cyclothymia. This type of bipolar is defined by numerous hypomanic symptoms occurring. There are numerous periods when the individual develops depressive symptoms. These can last for 2 years, and 1 year in children and adolescents. However, this type of bipolars symptoms do not meet the diagnostic requirementsfor hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes. The symptoms can last for a period of at least 2 years. Cyclothymia can develop into bipolar. The fourth type of bipolar is, Other Specified Bipolar. This is also known as, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. This is when the symptoms and bipolar do not clearly indicate one of the other bipolar disorders. The fifth type of bipolar is, Mixed State. These symptoms include stages of mania and depression at the same time. This can result in: agitation, trouble sleeping, suicidal thoughts, changes in appetite and psychosis. The next type of bipolar is, Rapid Cycling. This is when individuals mood swings change faster. This can result in more than four mood swings within, a 12-month period. Rapid Cycling affects around 1 in 10 people with bipolar. This type of bipolar can happen with Bipolar 1 and 2. The last type of Bipolar is Psychosis. This is sometimes severe mania or depression. On the mood scale, the mania comes out at around an 8 to 10 and depression comes out at around a 2 to 0 on the mood scale. This is accompanied by periods of psychosis. The symptoms of Psychosis can include: delusions and hallucinations. Signs and symptoms Individuals who have bipolar, has the following signs and symptoms, however, there are signs and symptoms for both depression and manic state of mind. These symptoms can variety from person-to-person. Depression: - Lack of energy, - Self-doubt, - Difficulty sleeping, - Waking up early, - Lack of appetite, - Suicidal thoughts, - Feeling pessimistic about everything, - Feelings of guilt and despair, - Feeling sad, hopeless or irritable majority of the time, - Feelings of emptiness or worthlessness, - Loss of interest in everyday activities, - Difficulty concentrating and remembering things, - Being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking. Mania: - Not eating, - Talking very quickly, - Feeling very happy, elated or overjoyed, - Feeling self-important, - Feeling full of energy, - Being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking, - Not feeling like sleeping, - Being easily irritated or agitated, - Being easily distracted, - Feeling full of great new ideas and having important plans, - Making decisions or saying things that are out of character, and that others see as being risky or harmful, - Doing things that often have disastrous consequences, for example, spending large sums of money on expensive and sometimes unaffordable items. What causes Bipolar? The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. There can be a number of factors that can work together to make an individual more likely to develop the condition. There are thought to be a mix of: physical, environmental and social factors. Chemical imbalance in the brain: It is said that bipolar disorder is resulted of chemical imbalances in the brain. The chemicals that are responsible for controlling the brains functions are called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters include the chemicals: dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. Experts believe that if there is an imbalance in the levels of one of the neurotransmitters, individuals may develop symptoms of bipolar disorder. An example of this is when mania occurs, this is created by the levels of noradrenaline being too high. The episodes of depression may be the result of the noradrenaline levels being too low. Genetics: Experts also believe that bipolar disorder is linked to genetics, because it is a condition that seems to run in families. The family member or members that have bipolar disorder have a high risk of developing bipolar disorder. However, there is no single gene that is fully responsible for bipolar disorder. It is a number of environmental factors and genetic facts that act as triggers. Triggers: If the individual is going through a stressful circumstance or situation, then this situation can trigger some of the symptoms for bipolar disorder. Examples of triggers could include: ~ Death of a loved one or family member, ~ The breakdown of a relationship, ~ Sexual, physical or emotional abuse. Bipolar Disorder Mood Scale The Bipolar UK mood scale is from a scale of 0 to 10. Individuals who are not affected by bipolar will experience mood swings between 4 and 6 on the mood scale. However, if you do have bipolar, your mood swings are much higher or lower. They can be between 6 to 10. With depression part of bipolar, your levels can go as low as 4 to 0. 0 is the suicidal depression. [] Hypomania (6 to 8 on the mood scale) Individuals experiencing hypomania can come across very self-confident and euphoric, however, they may react with sudden anger, irritability or impatience. They may become more challenging and talkative, along with distracted. The individual may become more reckless than usual. This might mean that there would be errors for judgement. Mania (8 to 10 on the mood scale) The individual that is going through this stage may be experncing mania without knowing that it is happening. They may become incoherent, or disjointed with their thinking, this can lead to them becoming easily distracted. Depression (4 to 0 on the mood scale) Most individuals with bipolar experiences severe depression. Usually this will follow a period of mania or hypomania. For individuals during the winter, it is more likely for them to show signs of depression. Facts/Trivias • Just 1% to 2% of the population experience a lifetime of bipolar. • On averageit takes 10.5 yearsto receive a correct diagnosis for bipolar in the UK. • Bipolar affects every aspect of your life and your relationship. Family and friends can all be put under stress. • Bipolar increases the risk of suicide by 20 times. • Bipolar has a huge impact on family and friends. Help and resources Bipolar UK []– Offers a wide range of information about bipolar, including medication and living with bipolar. NHS - Bipolar []– Learn the basics about bipolar, including diagnosis, treatment and causes of bipolar. - Bipolar [] – Learn about the stigma against bipolar and real-life stories of people who live with bipolar. Kidshealth - Bipolar [] – Kid friendly site about Bipolar. (Teenshealth) Sources [] [] [] [] [] [] Questions for Forum Discussion Do you have any experience with bipolar, either from yourself or a loved one, if so, would you like to share you experience with us? But only if you are comfortable! What type of support have you received or are you receiving from the people around you? How do you deal with your bipolar? Would you mind sharing us any tips or ways on how youre handling it?
MistyMagic profile picture
Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support taglist - add or remove yourself here!
by MistyMagic
Last post
November 14th, 2024
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist please do not edit it. To see the current list, go to: Bipolar Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words "Please add me." To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write �the exact words, "Please remove me." [Updated by @M4GIC on 10-02-22 for current taglist] Please use this New Taglist This post was last updated - 23 Sept 2023 by MistyMagic 206 people: @19jackrabbit69 @A4SPSRDS @Accentus @Acidkplatypus @acupofkai2 @alleywood13 @Amara34 @Ambitioustalker770 @Amld27 @Anna0319 @AnyaS @ApolloKafka @ArianMartian @AvidGamer293 @babysquirrel @Basiljwils @BearWithMe23 @bestBraveheart57 @Bre1237cupslistener @brokeninnc21 @BrokenTearss @BubbleGum928 @BugsYBunny @BunnyInTrouble @ByzantinePrussia @CaitieDid @CaliforniaViv @carefulAcres8381 @cassidychase @celticbard1018 @CharlieHorse1991 @CHarmingTime @cherishx0 @cherrytsubaki20 @Cheryllll @chyni @colorfulJoy4237 @colorfulRose3248 @Comeonreally @concavepearl97 @courageousLychee7497 @curtisw @cyanPlatypus6370 @Cybe @Cyhyreath @DannyB140 @decisiveBeechwood1142 @decisiveLychee3669 @Dimara @Divabrown @Doubledee25 @DragonessCocoa1 @dreamangel135 @DreamingofDakota @Drummermattrocks @DtoxfyBrainPurifyHeartRectfySoul @EcheverianDuchess @egret35 @elatedpeach152 @emju2401 @Endure777 @Ernaest @eternaldarkness22 @evedison358 @EvilRegalsReadToo @fairmindedIdea88161 @fancysummer52 @fearlessCurrent357 @feile @FlamingosWearLipstick @FleetingBardSong @forcefulCamp2310 @FriendlyWords623 @funnyOwl2072 @Gamerboy80 @gentleNight53 @Gerlesa @ghostEyes4970 @giraffe2011 @greenTiger1474 @guatemexicana @GupsyMoon @Haveaneed123 @hazerhea @Helloloves3 @hereforyouharzi @hillsideblues @hopesmiles8825 @Hotaru419 @humorouscarf805 @iamlayan @Iheartguineapigs @IloveCheance45 @Imafilthyhumanbeing @indigoRaspberries4203 @Isabellyjelly @Jacquemoos @jaedae @Janica88 @JeraTheWitch @Jewelmoon17 @jitterbugz7 @JulieHeartHeart @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @justmiles @kindheartedWords6803 @kixhd @Kynz15 @lalabrowni @Laylina0862 @learningtolovemyself1995 @LiineTheFox @limeWatermelon8742 @littleBunny7322 @Looj @lostinspace2002 @luumuno @MadHatter77 @mam1022984 @Mamamel @Marie747 @MarieLane727 @MarissaHope @marytodd11 @me0wcat @MemoryWriter11 @Micp5150 @MieraCurie @Mikababy10 @MindyBlossom @MistyMagic @Moistpillow @MostlyQuiet @mrskim @muskoka @mxmes @nongelic @NotFelixHere @notmyselftoday @NovaDiem @nzv4018 @octopus82 @Orangecat5093 @orangeLake8341 @OscarPerez85 @pandaprincess9 @passZebra3015 @PeachieCat @pepearso @persistentZebra1289 @pinkHickory69001 @placidChestnut8165 @placidMoth @plantmom17 @PrincessAir @princesstears @RaghadR0 @Raimio @rainyday768 @Rambino @Ravenalexis86 @repen13 @RicochetJaguar @RiverJumper2 @Roscoe55 @Roses12 @rrretsuko @Ruidosa @RyuLawliet @SadAFSeth @sailorsays @Selfsufficientfaith @sensibleAvocado4381 @ShadowTag @sisan @soaringgoose @sofiamartino18 @softlyy @softSoul2166 @Soulcomfort @stellarluna0816 @Stuckatcrossroads @SummerHope1904 @SunshineRainbows123 @supertiredbipolarlawyer @sweetPink22 @Talktome929 @Tatianaalize @Tawanda526 @tealDrum7170 @TheDude0156 @Thementalhealth @thequietmouse @tidyPunk49 @toughLion8324 @TranquilSarah @triddett1 @Turn2belle @Vir44 @whatshername79 @WhiteRhino333 @willoltz88 @xelimious @xinyii11 @Zerlyna @zerotwo22
Raspberrycheesecake profile picture
What is Bipolar?
by Raspberrycheesecake
Last post
3 days ago
...See more What is Bipolar? An Internship Honours Project by RaspberryCheesecake. Bipolar Bipolar is known as manic depression. It is a very severe mental health illness. It is characterised by mood swings. These mood swings include manic highs and depressive lows. Both male and female of any ethnic or social background can suffer from bipolar. There is no age range it targets and develops within. The symptoms can start to occur at any time and can then reoccur when emotional pressures at their highest with the individual. Bipolar can be triggered by: Work stress, Study stress, Family stress, Emotional pressures, Childbirth – in women, Menopause – in women. Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar, but having enough guidance and support, and receiving an early diagnosis, along with accepting the illness can still live a happy life. There are ways you can manage bipolar, and these are: Medication, Health care, Therapy, Self-management. Types of Bipolar There are six main types of Bipolar. These types of bipolar involve changes in the individuals: mood, activity levels and energy. These moods can range from extremely elated and energised behaviour, or very down and hopeless periods. The less severe manic periods are explained as hypomanic episodes. The first main type of bipolar is, Bipolar 1 Disorder. This type of bipolar is defined by manic episodes. These episodes tend to last around 7 days. Sometimes the manic symptoms are so severe, the individual needs to be in immediate hospital care. Depressive episode can also occur however, these typically lasts for 2 weeks. Having episodes that consist of mixed features (depression and manic symptoms) can be possible. If this type of bipolar is untreated, manic episodes can last between three to six months. Also, without treatment, depressive episodes can last longer – between 6 to 12 months. The second main type of bipolar is, Bipolar 2 Disorder. This type of bipolar is defined as a pattern of hypomanic and depressive episodes. However, this type of bipolar is not as severe as Bipolar 1 Disorder, because of the full-blown manic episodes that Bipolar 1 Disorder has. Majority of individuals with Bipolar 2 will likely to have more than one episode of severe depression and others could experience hypomania, which would be a 6 to 8 on the mood scale, rather than an extreme manic episode, which is 8 to 10 on the mood scale. The third type of bipolar is, Cyclothymic Disorder. This type of bipolar is also known as Cyclothymia. This type of bipolar is defined by numerous hypomanic symptoms occurring. There are numerous periods when the individual develops depressive symptoms. These can last for 2 years, and 1 year in children and adolescents. However, this type of bipolars symptoms do not meet the diagnostic requirementsfor hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes. The symptoms can last for a period of at least 2 years. Cyclothymia can develop into bipolar. The fourth type of bipolar is, Other Specified Bipolar. This is also known as, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. This is when the symptoms and bipolar do not clearly indicate one of the other bipolar disorders. The fifth type of bipolar is, Mixed State. These symptoms include stages of mania and depression at the same time. This can result in: agitation, trouble sleeping, suicidal thoughts, changes in appetite and psychosis. The next type of bipolar is, Rapid Cycling. This is when individuals mood swings change faster. This can result in more than four mood swings within, a 12-month period. Rapid Cycling affects around 1 in 10 people with bipolar. This type of bipolar can happen with Bipolar 1 and 2. The last type of Bipolar is Psychosis. This is sometimes severe mania or depression. On the mood scale, the mania comes out at around an 8 to 10 and depression comes out at around a 2 to 0 on the mood scale. This is accompanied by periods of psychosis. The symptoms of Psychosis can include: delusions and hallucinations. Signs and symptoms Individuals who have bipolar, has the following signs and symptoms, however, there are signs and symptoms for both depression and manic state of mind. These symptoms can variety from person-to-person. Depression: - Lack of energy, - Self-doubt, - Difficulty sleeping, - Waking up early, - Lack of appetite, - Suicidal thoughts, - Feeling pessimistic about everything, - Feelings of guilt and despair, - Feeling sad, hopeless or irritable majority of the time, - Feelings of emptiness or worthlessness, - Loss of interest in everyday activities, - Difficulty concentrating and remembering things, - Being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking. Mania: - Not eating, - Talking very quickly, - Feeling very happy, elated or overjoyed, - Feeling self-important, - Feeling full of energy, - Being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking, - Not feeling like sleeping, - Being easily irritated or agitated, - Being easily distracted, - Feeling full of great new ideas and having important plans, - Making decisions or saying things that are out of character, and that others see as being risky or harmful, - Doing things that often have disastrous consequences, for example, spending large sums of money on expensive and sometimes unaffordable items. What causes Bipolar? The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. There can be a number of factors that can work together to make an individual more likely to develop the condition. There are thought to be a mix of: physical, environmental and social factors. Chemical imbalance in the brain: It is said that bipolar disorder is resulted of chemical imbalances in the brain. The chemicals that are responsible for controlling the brains functions are called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters include the chemicals: dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. Experts believe that if there is an imbalance in the levels of one of the neurotransmitters, individuals may develop symptoms of bipolar disorder. An example of this is when mania occurs, this is created by the levels of noradrenaline being too high. The episodes of depression may be the result of the noradrenaline levels being too low. Genetics: Experts also believe that bipolar disorder is linked to genetics, because it is a condition that seems to run in families. The family member or members that have bipolar disorder have a high risk of developing bipolar disorder. However, there is no single gene that is fully responsible for bipolar disorder. It is a number of environmental factors and genetic facts that act as triggers. Triggers: If the individual is going through a stressful circumstance or situation, then this situation can trigger some of the symptoms for bipolar disorder. Examples of triggers could include: ~ Death of a loved one or family member, ~ The breakdown of a relationship, ~ Sexual, physical or emotional abuse. Bipolar Disorder Mood Scale The Bipolar UK mood scale is from a scale of 0 to 10. Individuals who are not affected by bipolar will experience mood swings between 4 and 6 on the mood scale. However, if you do have bipolar, your mood swings are much higher or lower. They can be between 6 to 10. With depression part of bipolar, your levels can go as low as 4 to 0. 0 is the suicidal depression. [] Hypomania (6 to 8 on the mood scale) Individuals experiencing hypomania can come across very self-confident and euphoric, however, they may react with sudden anger, irritability or impatience. They may become more challenging and talkative, along with distracted. The individual may become more reckless than usual. This might mean that there would be errors for judgement. Mania (8 to 10 on the mood scale) The individual that is going through this stage may be experncing mania without knowing that it is happening. They may become incoherent, or disjointed with their thinking, this can lead to them becoming easily distracted. Depression (4 to 0 on the mood scale) Most individuals with bipolar experiences severe depression. Usually this will follow a period of mania or hypomania. For individuals during the winter, it is more likely for them to show signs of depression. Facts/Trivias • Just 1% to 2% of the population experience a lifetime of bipolar. • On averageit takes 10.5 yearsto receive a correct diagnosis for bipolar in the UK. • Bipolar affects every aspect of your life and your relationship. Family and friends can all be put under stress. • Bipolar increases the risk of suicide by 20 times. • Bipolar has a huge impact on family and friends. Help and resources Bipolar UK []– Offers a wide range of information about bipolar, including medication and living with bipolar. NHS - Bipolar []– Learn the basics about bipolar, including diagnosis, treatment and causes of bipolar. - Bipolar [] – Learn about the stigma against bipolar and real-life stories of people who live with bipolar. Kidshealth - Bipolar [] – Kid friendly site about Bipolar. (Teenshealth) Sources [] [] [] [] [] [] Questions for Forum Discussion Do you have any experience with bipolar, either from yourself or a loved one, if so, would you like to share you experience with us? But only if you are comfortable! What type of support have you received or are you receiving from the people around you? How do you deal with your bipolar? Would you mind sharing us any tips or ways on how youre handling it?
rationalTalker5471 profile picture
by rationalTalker5471
Last post
...See more help a 18 years old out i just got diagnosed with bipolar i wanna talk with someone who got the same struggle and talk about medications and other stu
thekate38 profile picture
Bipolar 2 Struggles
by thekate38
Last post
February 13th
...See more Hey everyone, I'm new to this community but I just wanted to reach out and ask for advice. You don't have to stop and read all this but if you do, thank you. TW: SH, Abuse, Verbal Abuse Recently, I had to move out of my parents' house. I am 18 for reference. It started when I was about to graduate. I became very irritable and angry for no reason. I said things I didn't mean to my family. I hurt those I loved most. I have always known there was something wrong with me and that I needed a diagnosis. This led to me SH myself. I told my mother about 6 months ago about this but I never got support. I begged her for therapy, a doctor, or anything that may help me just feel ok again. Two weeks later I was perfectly fine. Elated even. I started vaping soon after that. I knew it was bad for me but it calmed my anxiety and made my thoughts stop racing constantly. It helped. Then my parents found out and that's when they decided to finally try to get me help. Or that's what they said at least. While I waited on doctors appointments, the fights ensued. Constantly we were getting into it over the stupidest things. It was so bad for me. Finally the final fight happened. Over a box of chips. I had forgot to grab them from the house so as i was walking out the door, my bipolar 1 dad threw the box of chips at me. It hurt. So i turned and started screaming at him. He then proceeded to grab me and hit me, so I ran to my car and locked all the doors. I refused to come out, I was terrified. He tried to break in my window and then tried to rip my rearview off. My mom had to pull him off my car. When she finally coaxed me out of my car, he had come back out and started screaming at me. He screamed how he f-ing hated me and how he hoped I died or tried to take my own life again. I knew at that point, I had to leave. I am now living in my aunt's apartment, and I don't know where to go from here. I am currently seeing a therapist and psychiatrist but the medications I keep getting prescribed are not working. They make me feel worse. My psychiatrist keeps saying just take them, but I can't function like this, and I feel like no one is listening to me. Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful advice? If any of y'all have had a similar experience don't hesitate to reach out.
LavenderFields88 profile picture
In the corner of my eye (Warning possible S.A. triggering)
by LavenderFields88
Last post
February 3rd
...See more I have had a life of being afraid of my own shadow. I can constantly see people in the corner of my eye and feel their presence. There are times it startles me and I jump with a rush of adrenaline pulsing through my body instantly. There are other times though, where the presence seems so evil that it scares me even more. I also always feel like people are watching me and when I go outside it becomes very intense at times. I keep telling my psychiatrist that I feel like I am scizophrenic with her response being that she studied a lot recently and found out that trauma can do some pretty crazy stuff to the brain. I have been through a lot, and I mean a lot of unimaginable, horrific trauma and at that time in my life I just lost it. I guess I am trying to share my story and I thought this was a good place to start which was inspired by Miji2023's post, but also I am trying to find out why I am on psych meds if it is just PTSD, depression and anxiety. I was originally diagnosed with bipolar by my own request only to attempt to succeed in getting any pill I could to make the pain and distress go away. My life has been upsidedown for 8 years now because of that push for meds and that diagnosis. Even the idea of being schizophrenic doesn't make sense to me anymore since I am starting to recover from the trauma and learning about PTSD and the episode I had. I lost my dog, my kids, my house, and I found out I couldn't press charges on my brother for molesting me from the age of 6 until I was 15. Wouldn't you go nuts?
QuietFay profile picture
How can I give comfort to people in real life??
by QuietFay
Last post
February 3rd
...See more I'm at a winter camp, and someone there has bipolar and ADHD. We're not particularly close, but I like her and feel sort of responsible for her.😇 Then today, we're asked about our ideas for our musical performance tomorrow, and she lost it. She looked devastated, with her face in her hand, saying she wasn't good at this and she couldn't do it. The professor had a private talk with her, and when she came back, her eyes are red.🥺 When people ask her, she said she was fine, but I know she isn't.😔 I really want to help, but I just don't know how! I'm also a listener here, but saying those things in real life seems weird and awkward, especially as I am really socially awkward.🤔 I have major depression with a seasonal pattern (No official diagnoses because I don't want my parents to spend money on this. My education is too expensive already.). When I'm just sad, I would talk to people to feel better but when I'm in an episode, I wouldn't. Because there is nothing they can do. It's just so dark, and I'm in a black pit, and I can only accept that and wait for it to go away. (I think I'm in the beginning of an episode. This time it's all my fault though. I'm in Hong Kong to get a change of climate, and at first it worked really well. But I was reading novels and playing games and only got two hours of sleep the other night. With the help of coffee, I'm inattentive, wooden and feeling unworthy.😅) So I understand how she might be feeling, but there seems to be nothing I can do to help.😮‍💨 Any advice?💜🤗
turquoiseTiger6959 profile picture
Looking for Bipolar Friends
by turquoiseTiger6959
Last post
January 3rd
...See more I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 earlier this year and have been struggling. Currently experiencing a depressive episode. If anyone wants to chat, share experiences, or just have someone to talk to who understands what it's like, pls join this thread. 
Han5olo profile picture
by Han5olo
Last post
January 3rd
...See more Two paths diverge before my soul, One bright, one dark, one takes its toll. Which path to take, I cannot choose, For both my heart and mind refuse. The manic path, it beckons me, With promises of ecstasy. But know I well its treacherous ways, That lead to pain and lonely days. The depressive path, it weighs me down, With sorrow and a heavy frown. But know I well its hidden grace, That leads to depths and inner space. So which to take, I cannot say, But trust my heart to guide my way. For know I well that both must be, To weave the tapestry of me. For bipolar disorder cannot break, The spirit that's within me, wide awake.
Howegeorgia profile picture
Hosting discussions
by Howegeorgia
Last post
December 7th, 2024
...See more Hi I was wondering if anyone wanted to me host any discussion here if you do please say what you would like .
Howegeorgia profile picture
Check in
by Howegeorgia
Last post
November 23rd, 2024
...See more 17/11/24 Check in  Hi everyone, I have a couple questions for you about the holidays. 🎅🎄🎁⛄ *  Have you got anything nice planned for Christmas (if yes tell me about it?) * Are you looking forward to Christmas? * Is there anything you want for Christmas? * What do you do if you feel overwhelmed?
2ynaia profile picture
by 2ynaia
Last post
November 15th, 2024
...See more Im new here and I don't really know what I'm doing sorry but I think I might have bipolar depression and I cant find out I'm not sure what to do.
BlueMoon1994 profile picture
My bipolar disorder ruined my life
by BlueMoon1994
Last post
November 7th, 2024
...See more I'm at work so long story short, I have pushed everyone I cared about away including my family, I went my entire childhood without knowing I was bipolar, I was 19 when I got diagnosed. I have no close friends, I have a boyfriend who loves me and that's about it. Even he can't handle my mood swings anymore and I'm on psych meds. I feel angry about how my life turned out, go into random rages and cry randomly. My memory is also shot and I work a third shift job for slave wages which makes me depressed. I feel like there's no hope for me and that no one cares about me anymore. So my question is what should I do? I feel like my life is damaged beyond repair and I don't know how to cope anymore...
Lachrymosemy profile picture
Who's with me?
by Lachrymosemy
Last post
September 22nd, 2024
...See more Hi everyone. I'm a diagnosed patient of bipolar II and I want to ask. I consumed Lithium Carbonate and Setraline based on Dr's prescription. I undergo treatment from this one area, lets called A. Then i moved to another area and i didnt have the chance to transfer my case to the nearest hospital near my new place. As a matter of fact, i could not even attend the latest appointment at the hospital located at A. As consequences, my meds are cut off and I dont have the chance to go back to the hospital at A. After a week without meds, i still feel okay. But then, starting my second week, i started to feel irritated, shaky and lightheadedness that has been reoccurring for few days straight. I feel like walking above the clouds. My steps and head are not stable. I took panadols, but it has no effect. I sstarted to feel worthless, self hatred and i stop eating for 2 days just because i dont have the mood for. My question is, is it because of me having my meds consumption stopped abruptly? Anyone experience the same?

Bipolar, Schizophrenia and Psychosis Support

Welcome to Bipolar, Schizophrenia and Psychosis Support! This is a safe space for those struggling with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and psychosis to get support from others, to share their story and problems, and to connect to others who can relate or that just want to find out more.

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Q: Are there any sub-community-specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

A: You can find Sub-community-specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.

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