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What are some of the happy sides of your condition?

Omph February 3rd, 2022

I am getting diagnosed! So many signs are adding up. It makes sense, even reading some of your experiences on here I can relate. I really want to thank people in my life, for helping me get this far.

Are there any recent wins in your life? What makes you happy? I had a chat with my nurse, and we talked about the beneficial aspect of focusing on the positive aspects of life. I really want to benefit people in life more now, knowing the barrier has been identified and is slowly lifting.

Omph OP February 3rd, 2022

Some context here, my special interest is Buddhism. For some reason I feel blessed right now, my focus for the past 4 years has been on improving myself through various means. Not that autism makes everyone feel down-hearted or pessimistic-nihilist, it was the fact it was undiagnosed that was having a negative impact for me.

Meandros February 3rd, 2022


Hello! Congratulations on your diagnosis. I am glad that you are possitive on your proccess.

I am not diagnossed and not sure If I am a very functional autist or a very disfunctional neurotypical. 😝

I guess I am at the frontier. Answering your question I am very happy with my logical and pattern oriented brain, I can provide value to others in ways very few people can and that allow me to make a difference for the good.

I am also very proud of my ethics and values, friends are friends in the full meaning of the world. Once I allow someone in my life that person counts with me for ever. Never cheat, never turn my back on them.

I am also very happy to be able to learn to it full meaning, not to pass an exam, get a grade or please others, but to trully understand what I am learning and connect it with other things I know and discover many things other things I want to learn.

Those are some possitive things I like, I hope many more will participate in this post to check what they love about themselves.

Hugs! 😊

sunshinegiraffe123 March 31st, 2022

I’m smart and have special interests