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What do i do

TheSweetNight March 27th

I am a teen and many people (classmates and adults) including myself has suspected that I have autism. However my parents deny the possibility of me having autism cause they probably have a stereotypical view on autistic people. I don't think I can ever convince my parents to test me for autism. 

Idk... I don't get it... My mom brushes this while thing off saying that I'm just ignorant and not paying enough attention...

Also, the counsellor in my middle school says that she doesn't think that I'm autistic because of my grades and my school counsellor could not diagnose or test me anyway. 

I am going to highschool soon so there might be something I can do? It's better to deal with this whole thing when I'm a teen then start to deal with this when I'm an adult. But I live in Indonesia where people are not really educated on disabilities and mental health in general. 

I'm not really sure on what I can do about it. And if you wanna know what caught people's attention, it's probably my stimming behaviours (walking in circles, rocking back and forth or side to side, playing with anything I have on my hands), emotional dysregulation (crying all of a sudden at random times and cannot control it), social unawareness (Not knowing what im supposed to do, unaware of social norms, unaware of how I appear to other people, bad experiences with boys cause I'm unaware of their discomfort)

I'm concerned about this
Tinywhisper11 March 27th

@TheSweetNight have your teachers also noticed theese signs of autism in you? Perhaps they could talk to your parents, or I hear some schools have counselling options. It's terrible when half the world still doesn't believe in mental health it's very sad 😢 what about a family member you can maybe confide in. Maybe they could help you. I hope you get the help you need for this. Good luck with everything sweetie ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug