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physical symptoms?

quietquestions February 6th, 2015

Hi I was just wondering if anyone else suffers physical symptoms from their anxiety? My face and legs twitch and I start sweating and my stomach growls really loudly.

Helpfulhope2012 September 26th, 2016

@quietquestions for me I become really stif. My heart starts racing. My throats tightens and I can barely breathe. My eyes start to tear up and it's the worst. Other times I just fall dead. I don't hear anything but what my mind is telling me. I feel almost drugged. If that explains

Daniela1013 September 28th, 2016

@quietquestions Yes! Absolutely! Happens when im under stress and high anxiety

QuestionableReality February 6th, 2015

For me it becomes hard to breath and my throat closes up.

wednesday783 February 6th, 2015

I do! My whole body gets sweaty (possible tmi, sometimes sweat actually drips from my hands) and my fingers start tensing up. Sometimes I grind my teeth and the muscles around my mouth and one spot on my back starts twitching. I don't take anxiety meds.

quietquestions OP February 6th, 2015

I hate the face twitches. Its as if you're wearing a sign that says "I'm really anxious right now" I always try to bite my lip to make them stop.

mga13 February 6th, 2015

I feel the same, I'm start to shaking and I feel like I can't breathe, so my heart races super fast and I feel like I'm gonna pass out, you know blurry vision and feel the world moves

quietquestions OP February 6th, 2015

Exactly! the world feels like it slants underneath you

mga13 February 6th, 2015

Yeah it's like if you were not really there, it's very strange

February 6th, 2015

I shake and twitch so so badly

girl3132 February 6th, 2015

My legs shake, I breathe faster, I sweat,I stutter (making me feel worse), I have heart palpitations, and if it's too bad I can end up feeling nauseous and throwing up. I get a feeling that I need to leave too, sometimes that feeling is very difficult to control.

quietquestions OP February 6th, 2015

I can't stand that flight reaction. It's especially hard when it happens when you're somewhere you can't just immediately leave like at school.

girl3132 February 6th, 2015

Yeah, me too. I always try to calm myself down by breathing slower and reminding myself that nothing bad is actually happen. It doesn't always work but it's better than giving in... How do you cope?

Ti5 February 6th, 2015

Amen, that is a very good way to soothe yourself . though it takes some time ..jus remember 'the now' :place your feet flat on the ground, hands on your thighs, take slow, deep breaths, remind yourself (even try it out loud as well, I find when my 'moments' so to speak ,are much worse than other times my body/mind need me to speak out loud ,possible form of release?)so back to reminding yourself that you are here, you are present in this moment, you are okay, jus breathe...

quietquestions OP February 6th, 2015

It sounds silly but I close my eyes and try to imagine when I breathe out a wave is going away from the shore and when I breathe in its rolling in. Any sort of calming visual seems to help.

bekich February 6th, 2015

I get really shaky then I am often sick, it's horrible, I hate the feeling when they are coming on and can hardly ever stop it in its tracks.

quietquestions OP February 7th, 2015

Yeah the nasuea isn't fun. I've had to make sure I don't eat anything an hour before anything that might be really stressful or triggering happens. But of course that only works if you know you'll be somewhere or doing something that makes you anxious.

braveFriend4805 February 15th, 2015

I fell anxious all the time and I can't seem to be able to stop it at all. Last year was one of the worst years of life. My anxiety grew even more and since then I started to hear a "whistling" in my ears. I've visited many doctors and no one knew what is wrong, although everyone told me that maybe anxiety is the cause. I wish I could "turn off" my anxiety just for a minute, just to remember how it feels like not to be anxious.

AWorldofPeaceandHope September 21st, 2016


I know this post was a while back,but I found it interesting. Did you ever find the cause of the whisteling as I've never heard of it being a symptom of anxiety?

helpfulSugar9 September 27th, 2016

I get OCD symptoms I guess, that's caused by anxiety I guess, and it's called dermatillomania. It's skin picking on my fingers.