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phone calls

dreamforward July 19th, 2015

this is mostly for customer service or other situations involving strangers. i am usually not that comfortable on the phone with friends anyway (bad signals i guess?? idk. im afraid of misreading them but i always am). it is especially unnerving to call customer service and the like. even if i know they will probably just read a script? that's sort of scarier idk. does anyone have any tips about how they deal with phone related situations that can't be avoid? like interviews, rescheduling, etc. how do you prepare yourself? or do you just try to find other ways out and what are good alternatives?

Peac3AndLov3 July 19th, 2015

I work at a call center. Just keep the mentality that they have no way to locate you or ever meet you. I call people all day and sometimes get yelled at, cursed out etc. Just know they will never actually see or meet you in person or have any outside effect on your life