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being misunderstood

faefaerie93 July 19th, 2019

That feeling you get when someone completely misunderstands what you mean and they make a big thing out of it? That feeling you get when you try to explain it away, but they won't let it go? That gut wrenching, headache inducing, sick to my stomach feeling you get when you realize, you just have to say sorry for them misunderstanding you? In my head, it's easier to say sorry than to keep it going, because if it keeps going, you feel like you're just making yourself out worse than they originally thought.

Sometimes, it feels like I'm the only one making mistakes, I'm the only one apologizing. I hate that, actually hate it. It upsets me, gets me worked up and, eventually, just exhausts me.

Just needed to share. If anyone has any tips on how not to be confusing or better yet, not resort to being the one who has to say sorry... Comment below?