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I feel guilty for 13 years

idkwhttoname March 20th, 2022

I don't know who to talk to and thankfully I found this app. Sorry for my bad English, its not my main language.

13 years ago, I talk bad things and spread rumors about my best friend. I only say this to one of my friend, but suddenly all my classmates heard about the rumors I created, including my bestfriend. It was really bad, I don't have the courage to say sorry to my bestfriend. I can't sleep well and can't focus. I even think about suicide, and hope she never met me. her life would be better without me.

I tell this story to my mom, she said it's okay, say sorry to her, everyone will forget about that eventually, including me and my bestfriend. NO. My bestfriend hates me for about a year, but then she become nice to me again. I finally apologize to her. After a few years, we graduate elementary school and get into the same junior and senior high.

School was terrible, I meet her everyday because we got into the same class for 5 out of 6 years. I don't want to meet her, I felt guilty every time I see her, but at the same time I don't want to lose her. I will do anything to help her and she helped me with many things. I really like to listen to her stories too.

She consider me as her bestfriend and she's really kind to me, but that makes everything worse. That makes me felt really bad. I know she still remember the thing I did back then, sometimes she also brings that story up.

A few days ago she said she's sorry for hating me about a year back then. I said it's okay, I started it, she deserve to hate me. But some part of me wants her to forget me or just hate me all the time.

I still feel guilty after 13 years. What should I do? Please help.

Thank you so much. I hope you have a nice day!

HealerWithin March 20th, 2022


Hi there! I read your post and it seems like you suffered a long time because of a mistake you did in your past. You already realized how harmful rumors can be and you do feel guilty of it. It isn't something we can scrub off from our past so easily but in everyone's life, or in most people's life, they have done mistakes they might even be terrified to speak about and feel guilty for the coming years. That is really sad but also a relief that we aren't the only ones who made such a mistake.

You mentioned that this event happened when you were in elementary school and this might have been so difficult for you to deal since students of elementary school are very young in age. It is very much possible that you might have not been able to assess the consequences of that. But I am so proud of you that you gathered up the courage to apologize to her. It shows that not only you acknowledged the fact that it hurt her and might have created misunderstandings for others, you also owned up to it and confronted her. For someone so young, it is so impressive in fact such a strong point of this situation that you did the right thing at the end.

She stayed angry at you for a year, but this is something not in your control. Events has consequences and an apology doesn't make it easy to forget everything all of a sudden. She took her time and now when she might have decided to move on, she is your friend again.

It has been 13 years since then and I can see you are finding it difficult to move on. But maybe it is your time to forgive yourself. We hear a lot about forgiving others and yet rarely talk about the even more difficult task to forgive ourselves. The mistake sometimes might not align with our values and who we think we are, and we punish ourselves so much...sometimes even overdoing it. She took her time to forgive you or at least move on. What about you? How are you going to let it go?