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How to cope?

IDunnoRick August 16th, 2017

Help me, please. I don't know how to cope with my anxiety or control it.

Sairita August 16th, 2017

Not sure if you are already aware of them, but in case not... There are over 40 Self-Help Guides on 7 Cups; some deal with issues like anxiety or OCD or generalised anxiety. There are also loads of Mindfulness Exercises, dealing with various themes. These are basically guided meditation recordings, and what's great is that there are many that are under 5-10 minutes long, so they are great for someone totally new to practicing meditation.

Some of these could be worth a try for some self-guided strategies. And of course, engaging with others in the forums or chat rooms here, and the 1-on-1 chats will hopefully help you.

I hope you will find the supports you need here. All the best of luck on your journey @IDunnoRick

August 16th, 2017

@IDunnoRick why do you think you are you having anxiety

IDunnoRick OP August 17th, 2017

@NAUTICAlove1 I don't know. Fear of judgment, maybe

AshtheFab August 16th, 2017

There are a lot of self help guides on 7 Cups that you can utilise to help you on your journey.

One exercise I can offer is if you feel yourself spiralling or panicking, breathe in for four, hold for seven, and release for eight, then repeat a couple times. This is supposed to turn off your fight or flight response and calm down the body.

Best of luck on your journey. :)