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How Are You Feeling?

musicmaniac February 24th, 2015

Hey everyone! This is a place for you to share how you are doing with your anxiety. Update daily or as often as you can.

Citrus February 26th, 2015

Hi. Not quite sure how this posting thing works (or if I'm doing it right)?

Today is my first day here. I have a not-so-good case of social anxiety that is sometimes extremelyannoying. I am also quite the introvert which often leaves me without very many friendships. I find that I do better communicating with those whom I can't see, and who can't see me (don't know why though). So I spent a long time looking for places where I could make supportive friends online and finally found 7Cups. So far I like it here.smiley

musicmaniac OP February 26th, 2015

I am glad you found 7 cups, welcome to the community! @Citrus I am an extreme introvert and suffer from horrible anxiety as well. We are here to support you through it all.