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HELP ! :(

isabelx22 September 3rd, 2016

I have had social anxiety since middle school. Now I'm in high school and still struggling with social anxiety. This is my 2nd year in high school..and I just found out I have theatre arts . This means acting infornt of everyone, I feel like this will be scary for me since this is way out of my comfort zone . But then again this could help me overcome social anxiety, meet new friends and get out of my comfort zone. But I am also thinking what if I'm going to fast and should slow down and take baby steps and start with the least scariest situations. What should i do ? I have until next week to change my class and don't know what to do

supportivePanda99 September 3rd, 2016


I too struggle with anxiety and absolutely LOVE theatre. I would give it a shot. Just remind yourself that you are another person when you're acting not yourself if that makes sense. :)

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@supportivePanda99 yes your right! Theater is something new for me and this could be something I like . It's always good to learn new things !

JamieSclafaniLMSW September 3rd, 2016

@isabelx22 this could be a way for you to break through your anxiety. Sometimes in order to change our circumstance we have to face our fear

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@Jamie0906 Yes that is true ! (:

pinkPark4926 September 17th, 2016


Hi I think that in order to slow down your mind, you should practice meditation and mindfulness on a daily basis. My suggestion is that it's not a normal meditation but focusing on what you do and think at that moment and accept it without any judgement. Once you acknowledge them enough, you will be able to detach thoughts from who you are and then you can be free. I wish you luck with your theatre arts and hope this could help you in the way it helped me overcome and live normal life. 😊

Believeinspiredream December 18th, 2016

@isabelx22 I struggle with lots of different types of anxiety but actually performing and drama was what saved me :) I would always say give it a shot ! And when you are performing remember it's not you :) it's a character you are playing , this means you can be someone else. This used to really help me as I wasn't my anxious self all the time. If you need to talk feel free to PM me :)

Belis September 3rd, 2016


Are you intrested in theatre arts? If it was not for anxiety would you like to do it? What are the alternatives?

It may be an idea to have a chat with the teacher and ask how your anxiety can be accommodated. Maybe they can allow you to take small steps and develop your confidence. If you are likely to get poor grades for displaying anxiety than it is probably counter productive to recovery.

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@Belis theatre arts does seem interesting. If it wasn't for my anxiety I wouldn't be so worried about going on stage in front of people

Belis September 3rd, 2016


Are you interested in theatre arts more than other subjects that you could do in that period?

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@Belis I think theatre is interesting but I prefer art .

Belis September 3rd, 2016


Could you do art instead of theatre? What other options do you have if you were to turn down theatre studies?

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@Belis yes I have always been into art. And theatre is something new for me. I can join other classes likes photography, ceramics, or learn another language

Belis September 4th, 2016


It sounds like there are other options that may also be attractive. It is going to be a tough decision to make but I think chatting with the teacher to find out what the exact requirements are may help you judge if you are ready for this level of challenge. Photography and ceramics sound super interesting as well. Learning another language can be so valuable for your CV. So they all seem like fantastic options to choose from. Good luck :)

isabelx22 OP September 4th, 2016

@Belis Thank you so much ! ❀

sal202 September 3rd, 2016


Im sorry to hear that you struggle with social anxiety especially in your sophmore year. This is my 2nd year in high school..and I just found out I have theatre arts . Is this something you always wanted to do and have just been to anxious about? What ever decision you make, I wish you the best. I will be praying for you that you will be comfortable in your decision.

God Bless!

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@sal202 thank you so much! God bless youu , ❀❀❀

QuietSoul15 September 3rd, 2016

@isabelx22 I have social anxiety and when I was in high school they thought it was a good idea to put me into an acting class. I didn't care much for it but it did make me face my fears on a daily basis. just try to remember that it is okay to be anxious and if you mess up that's okay because it's only highschool.

isabelx22 OP September 3rd, 2016

@QuietSoul15 I hope you are able to over come your social anxiety! ❀ thank you so much

namgum61 September 4th, 2016

@isabelx22 Then make confidence part of your act. And once you get really good at acting confident, maybe you'll become more confident in general.

isabelx22 OP September 5th, 2016

@namgum61 thanks!

CaringTeresa September 5th, 2016

@isabelx22 you are not alone! I have always suffered from social anxiety also. New things can be difficult especially if we have to go outside of our comfort zones. Making new friends and facing our fears/anxieties is the best way to overcome them. If it's real bad I would suggest speaking with a therapist to see what other options you have. :)

isabelx22 OP September 6th, 2016

@CaringTeresa Happy I'm not the only one ! i hope you are able to over come your social anxitey ! thanks <3

Daydreamer47 September 15th, 2016

@isabelx22 Hey Isabel. You sound similar to me in some ways, cuz my social anxiety started in middle school too. I really wish I had seen a therapist/school counselor earlier. Definitely something I would recommend! From reading your first post and the ones below, it sounds like maybe you are more interested in art? It's your decision so I hope you pursue whatever you will enjoy most. Remember the point of facing the social anxiety is so you can feel good, do what you love, and be happy!

I also like the suggestion of talking to the teacher or other classmates if possible. Maybe that has to be through email if you are afraid to talk in person! I believe a lot in community healing. Maybe if the teacher knows you struggle with anxiety, they could try to give you a lot of compliments/encouragement. I love this teacher who compliments every student. :)

Good luck. Would love to hear how it goes.

isabelx22 OP December 11th, 2016


isabelx22 OP December 11th, 2016

Thank you ,it means a lot that I can relate to someone πŸ’Ÿ

Annaxelia December 14th, 2016

Hi @isabelx22 For many people standing infront of crowds can be a daunting experience i too sometimes battle with that. Always try to remember to Believe in yourself! and Have faith in your abilities! You could use this as an oppotunity to break through your social anxiety and grow stronger. Remember you are not alone, we are here to support you all the way. If you ever feel like talking you can connect to any of the friendly available listeners at any time. Take care smiley​​​​​​​