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Getting Help

niceNickel4218 March 28th, 2016

So, normally I can manage my anxiety, but lately it's been spiraling out of control. I'm dealing with a lot of "new" experiences (mostly school/internship related), and that seems to trigger my anxiety even more. I talked to a listener a few days ago because I needed to vent, and it made me realize that I needed to get professional help. Whenever I've had physical problems I went to the doctor, so why shouldn't I take care of my mental health as well?

Back in 2014 when I was still an undergrad I had group therapy, individual therapy, and I was on medications, but I stopped. I didn't feel like my group therapy was a good fit for me, I had trouble coming up with things to talk about with my therapist, and I was afraid of my psychiatrist (because, you know, social anxiety).

After some googling, I found out that my current school has free counseling and psychiatric services for all full-time students. Say what??? Sign me up (although the only way to make an appointment was by calling on the phone so I was shaking and had sweat dripping down my arms). Putting my tuition to good use here.. I just need to promise to myself that I'm going to commit to this. If I feel like something's not working, I'll discuss it with someone, but I won't quit. There, I've written it down so now I have to go through with it. I've made a list of things that I'm struggling with just in case I blank out during my first appointment tomorrow.

I like reading about other people's experiencies, so please feel free to share.

CaringJoy March 28th, 2016

Hi @niceNickel4218 I'm so proud of you for taking the necessary steps to get help. I can relate to how stress flares up your anxiety because that used to happen to me too. Recognizing and avoiding the stress factors definietly helps us cope better. You're lucky to have insurance coverage and I'm glad you're taking advantage of that. It's great that you're writing down things to discuss with your mental health professionals which gives them an idea of which areas they need to focus on. I hope things get better and wish you the very best. Thank you for sharing your experiences and I'm sure it will help others who read these forums.

Take care! smiley

niceNickel4218 OP March 30th, 2016

Update: This week I went to my first therapy appointment. A lot of it was going over paperwork, but I was also able to talk about a lot of the things that were bothering me. I really hope I get assigned that counselor for the rest of the semester because he was very nice and friendly. However, their psychiatrist is booked for the rest of the year. Boo. But then I had an appointment for a physical exam the next day; I talked to the nurse practitioner about my anxiety, and she gave me a prescription on the spot, though she told me that I had to find a new psychiatrist for when I move in May. So, progress.

ToastandEggs April 9th, 2016

@niceNickel4218 Hey there! I'm glad that you shared your experience with us. I'm facing something similar too, with university and the pressure to get an internship, or even a campus job. I totally understand that as it has been hard for me and my social anxiety too. I realized how it stopped me from doing the things that I really want to do. For example, I am involved in two student groups and I do hold positions in both but I find myself hiding away from whenever I had to interact with other people who attend our events.

I set up an appointment for counseling, but bailed out the last second. I'm glad the you are making progress with your session.

I decided to take smaller steps in building my confidence with interacting with people. I started going for office hours with my professors and TAs, and started attending events like mental health panels. Who knows, maybe I will eventually have the courage to call the counseling center and be committed to therapy. All the best to you! :)

Daydreamer47 May 6th, 2016

@niceNickel4218 That is so great you are getting a new therapist!! And yes take advantage of free shit!! Fyi if you don't have much to say in an appointment, I think that's okay. You are going there to get help.The therapist should be trained and know how to ask questions to help you. It is hard to open up to a random stranger, so be gentle with yourself. I know I have a hard time with therapy due to social anxiety and sometimes can't look the therapist in the eye or feel super awkward, but it seems to get better as we develop a relationship over time.