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Anxiety Is Taking Me Over! Now I Need Help Badly.

KelBe May 18th, 2015

No matter how hard I try to get help from anyone, I just cant. I know I have bad anxiety in general but it is even worse when talking to people or even being in public. I struggle to keep any friends since I am always so scared to talk to them. I just want to be able to get help but I'm just so scared to get any help. I just hope someone here will be able to give me a few tips or ways to deal with this.

intellectualPineapple5362 May 18th, 2015

(I'm so sorry that its taken me so long to reply, I have tried a few times but my phone messed but so now I'm at my PC!!)

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering with anxiety, and social anxiety can be so draining, I know myself from first hand experience. Please take comfort in the fact you aren't alone in this, so many people feel this way (myself included) and are willing and happy to help you. Unfortunately I don't have any brilliant advice but I can tell you how I managemy own anxiety.

1. I know my own limits, I don't force myself into situations which I know are going to problematic for me, I find the easiest ways to do things. eg/ write an email instead of call on the phone. If I have an important call to make then I write down things I need to say and plan ahead, this way I can not forget things as I tend to stumble over words and babble when I'm anxious.

2. I set myself little goals, whether it to go for a walk or to drink in a new coffee shop, these things boost my confidence and exercise is proven to make you feel better so I try my best with that.

3. I try to reach out to someone everyday, even if its a quick "hi" sent on facebook or a text to my mum or a friend.

4. I am honest with my friends, i tell them "today Im anxious and i can't really speak in fear of making it worse, I'll call you tomorrow" etc, real friends will be more understanding than you think.

5. I wear headphones in public, sometimes I listen to calming music or nature sounds, though other timesmy ipod isnt turned on. I feel like this gives me a little bit of control, people are less likely to try to talk to me in public if they think I cant hear them.

6. I visit my doctor regularly and make sure to tell them if my anxiety has been unmanageable, this keeps me on the right medication at all times to give me that extra help I need.

I hope some of these things can help you, I am happy to talk any time you need some reassurance. good luck. xx

KelBe OP May 18th, 2015

I do quite a few of the things you suggested, and yes quite a few of my friends and my family know that I can't do extreme things. I found having things done before and having information about some situations helps a ton.

intellectualPineapple5362 May 18th, 2015

Being able to prepare for situations is a god send! I wish you a lot of luck and I hope you feel better soon!! You are trying to get better and you can do it!!! :D

KelBe OP May 18th, 2015

Thanks so much for the environment. After the surgery I had a few weeks ago I have been so anxious and just couldn't help it.

intellectualPineapple5362 May 18th, 2015

Hey its no problem! I know you can do this, reaching for help is a step towards recovery. ;)

KelBe OP May 18th, 2015

Due to the anxiety and the amount of pain I'm in I can not really sleep. I have school in 4 hours and only have had 2 hours of sleep.

intellectualPineapple5362 May 18th, 2015

I know its hard but try and relax and get comfortable, listen to some music or read something. Going to school on no sleep would suck.

KelBe OP May 18th, 2015

I am at school with no sleep but I have someone to help me some today since I haven't had pain pills and I'm hurting a lot.

adaptablePlace2400 May 18th, 2015

The first thing you need to do is understand that if you let this anxiety control your life than you will miss out on greater things that you yourself know you are capable of. Just take life 1 step at a time. Then just ignore that anxiety and tell yourself that it is not the controler of your existence. It took me a while too but i did it.

KelBe OP May 18th, 2015

As I have been fighting with the anxiety I am learning to do everything in a certain way for school