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i wanna get things off my chest

jesus88 December 3rd, 2022

its currently 3:33 and i woke up like thirty minutes ago. I feel horrible, my mind is racing and i can't even let myself calm down because i don't know how. I find it so difficult typing this in, my mind is so chaotic rn i can barely focus. It's really difficult for me to talk about this to my close ones bc i am afraid of being judged and considered an attention seeker. My partner is the only one i trust and that can help me but i feel like he isn't even trying. He tells me "there's no point in getting upset" or something of the sort and so i've given up on even trying to make him understand. My best friend absolutely abandoned me for her bf (her relationship w him is rly toxic).

i can't even continue writing this i am embarrassed . I feel like a coward . My mind is exploding i feel like this will never end

i am constantly researching new and new conditions in attempt of self diagnosis. Last time i diagnosed myself i ended up being correct.

Chelseabless December 3rd, 2022

Hi, I am here to talk to you. I’m new to this but really want to listen to you and what you feel. <3

Camila145 December 28th, 2022

I am so sorry you have been feeling like this. Anxiety is a horrible thing to go through, let alone while feeling like no one is trying to understand. Is there anything you can do in those moments to help you? Maybe using some coping skills? Here are a few off my personal dialectical behavioral therapy coping strategies for anxiety:

T.I.P.P. Skill

T- Temperature. Cold ice on your arms, or utilizing an ice bath can calm down anxiety quite fast, as your mind distracts itself. I personally wet a washcloth in the sink and tie it in a loose knot, and then pop it in the freezer. Whenever I am having anxiety, I take it out and begin trying to untie the knot. Of course, it's frozen, so it takes time and focus.

I- Intense Exercise. Going for a jog, walk, run, sprint, swim, etc. is a very good way to take your mind off of anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins in your body, which activates seratonin and dopamine, elevating your mood.

P- Paced breathing. Slow breath, or any kind of controlled breathing. My personal favorite is box breath, which is like this. In for four counts, hold for four counts, out for four counts, hold for four counts. You can up or lower the number of counts if needed.

P- Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Slowly going through each part of your body, paying close attention to how each part feels. Tensing the specific part, and then intentionally releasing it. There are several guided meditations for PMR, my favorite being one from Headspace.

I really hope this has helped somewhat, and if you want to pop in for a chat, you are always welcome.

Much love,
