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haven't been feeling like myself

User Profile: bertnayb
bertnayb February 16th, 2022

I've been feeling so down about my appearance. I work really hard on my body and my skin. Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on skincare. And I still get acne. I still dont have a teeny-tiny waist. I haven't felt pretty in such a long time. I'm tired of trying and getting nowhere.

User Profile: Lifeonmars787
Lifeonmars787 February 16th, 2022

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. Acne is a very common problem, especially during the developmental years but which can also occur in adulthood. I have had similar experiences, and I can tell you that often the products found on the internet do not help or that in any case they only cover the problem temporarily. I believe that in these cases the best thing is to go to a dermatologist, who will know better than anyone how to solve the problem. It may take some time, but you have to start somewhere. In the meantime, I advise you not to get too fixated on this problem. You will surely have so many other nice traits, focus on those, do something for yourself to feel more attractive. Believe it or not, I know a lot of beautiful people even with acne

User Profile: kenneth08
kenneth08 February 27th, 2023

Personally, I recommend not to engage in self-medication and to visit a doctor, if you have not already done so, in order to understand what is causing your acne. You can even go to 3 different doctors to listen to their opinion. Trust me, an intelligent doctor will help you with this. Maybe it's a problem with your diet or something. You also don't need to buy cosmetics in stores, but only in pharmacies (here one of them: Canadian Pharmacy ) , because there they are not fake. I think everything will work out for you, it just takes time!

User Profile: purpleTree4652
purpleTree4652 February 27th, 2023

Hi, Bertnayb,

Have you thought of donating the money you spend on your external looks? You could save lives with that amount of money. And then everyone would see how beautiful you are. You might see it too.


User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 February 27th, 2023


I have found what you see in the mirror changes greatly about how you feel about yourself ......

i did not like myself at one point avoided mirror and when did look only saw flaws ......... some self improvement various things but mostly mental some physical and when i look now i see mostly good and overlook some flaws I might have originally focused on....

Nothing is more defeating then chasing " the answer" for any skin issue or weight issues because it was only the "answer " to how can i make money for the people selling it....

User Profile: aspiringataraxic
aspiringataraxic February 28th, 2023

@bertnayb I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I know acne and body image issues can really hurt especially when you're trying to fix them. Remember that most people also struggle with things like this, so they're probably not thinking about how you look. Trying to fit into beauty standards is a stressful way to pass your time. If you'd like to vent in chat feel free to reach out

User Profile: JuliaHey
JuliaHey March 2nd, 2023

Hey, you're not alone with those feelings and thoughts. Today's society has high beauty standards and it's understandable to feel insecure and not satisfied with the way you look. Acne is common among a lot of people but I can see how it can weight you down. I too have experience with it! I understand how it's frustrating to not be able to get rid of it. Every human being is so unique and beautiful in their own ways! Your feelings are valid! But you can overcome it! You're good enough just now! Sending love <3

User Profile: armmeoisa
armmeoisa October 5th, 2024

Sometimes we get hung up on certain ideals of beauty, but the truth is that everyone's journey is the same and beauty comes in many different forms. But of course, care cream should be chosen wisely. It's hard not to compare yourself to others, but it's important to remember that your worth is much deeper than your skin or waist size. What you're feeling is valid, and it's okay to take a break from the constant pressure to look a certain way.

User Profile: lovelyForest4927
lovelyForest4927 October 7th, 2024

Hi @bertnayb💓

I hear how have your appearance bothered you, and how much effort it took you to change it. It sounds really frustrating, I'm sorry 🥺🥺

But I want you to remember you're absolutely gorgeous in and out, and other people see it. I think we are all feeling a bit insecure about our appearance sometimes and it's very valid.. 

I'm here if you'd like to share more 🤗

User Profile: QueenAsphodel17
QueenAsphodel17 October 22nd, 2024

@bertnayb Hey there. It breaks my heart to see you so demotivated after you put so much effort into having your desired appearance. I know how frustrating it can feel to invest so much time and energy into feeling beautiful and yet not finding the needed solution to achieve it. Can take a huge toll on self esteem . But Girl to girl, please don't be so hard on yourself. You are already working on your body and I am sure you look fabulous. Also skin is something which can't be controlled by you totally- there are so many things to consider. Like stress , your diet, hormones, environment . You sound like you're in a lot of stress which can be mentally and physically draining. Have you thought about that ? 

User Profile: thoughtfulKoala6956
thoughtfulKoala6956 October 25th, 2024

Hi! I am sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time right now, I completely understand your feelings of frustration working so hard for your body and skin but not feeling pretty. I am proud of you for trying your best everyday even if that looks different everyday. I am glad you reached out to 7 Cups for help. You are not alone in feeling this way and that you have so much support here on 7 Cups.