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Working from home isn't what I thought it would be

User Profile: Beansidhe0
Beansidhe0 May 7th, 2020

I am a person who would be happy to stay in my house for the rest of my life. If I never had to leave my bed, life would be grand. However, things aren't going well.

In March I finally left my job that was no good for me. I started working for a Professor of mine who picked me specifically for this job. The first two weeks of training were going fairly well. I hadn't learned too much yet, but I was getting there. Then the virus hit. First we just had to reduce staff so everyone went home except me and my bosses. Then we all had to work from home. Since then I have been floundering trying to learn a job from home. While I was catching on very quickly at the office, I feel like I'm not getting anything right at home. I'm also being swamped with work that I simply don't know how to do. Asking for help which would take five minutes in office takes hours online. I have been living in a constant state of high anxiety. I can't seem to accomplish anything. Everything I turn in is wrong so I am hesitant to start anything. That just makes everything pile up which makes my anxiety worse. It is horrible to say with everyone losing their jobs, but this constant state of high anxiety where I can't function even off the clock makes me wish I got laid off.