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Why do I always assume bad things are going to happen?

User Profile: Frontenacs97
Frontenacs97 August 18th, 2021

I'll try to be brief since I know many of you are busy with your own lives and may not have the time to read through an exceedingly long post.

Long story short, I'm in a fairly good position in life. I have a good circle of friends, I just landed my first full-time job, and money isn't causing me a lot of stress. I'm also in good health.

But for some reason, I have BRUTAL anxiety where I always assume the worst-case scenario will happen--no matter how unlikely. To give you an example, in the past little while I've had several issues checked out by my family doctor. I convinced myself that I had serious illnesses, only for my doctors to tell me in a matter of minutes that there was nothing wrong with me. When I did routine bloodwork for my physical exam recently, I was legitimately anxious when awaiting the results, even though I am young, have no symptoms of anything, and have no reason to believe the results would be concerning. I recently completed a consent form for a criminal background check for a job I just landed, and I feel anxious about the results--even though I have no record whatsoever.

I know it's hard to comment without more info on my background, but has anyone else experiences excessive anxiety--almost to the point of paranoia? What strategies did you use to handle it?

User Profile: blindHeart12
blindHeart12 August 18th, 2021

Hi read your post. Can understand it worry you not able to get figure out ,of you feeling anxiety though your life is good finance wise and health wise.
it good you talked to doctor to know if any medical issue.
It have not face the situation you are going through. But in past I used to think worst case scenario in all situation. Though the chance of happening it was some or not atall. I had that habit because dad used to say , prepare urself for both scenario but that made me thinking negtive most of time so i change my thought process. I write negative of scenario and plan to handle it if arise. After writing I tell myself yeah I am prepare for everything. I will get success definitely and feeling fine.
so like you have to dig what is the root cause of thinking that way ?
what you can do to change it ?
If you thinking about scenario A than what the base of it ask yourself ? Above are the suggestion not necessary it would work. Hope other also share their experience

User Profile: fearlessPlane7953
fearlessPlane7953 August 18th, 2021

I also suffer with this.

Once I get something in my head I hold onto it for what can be days weeks or months, and once I stop worrying about one thing the worry migrates somehwere else and I find something new to obsess about.

it is really tiring.

We just need Tom change our mind set!

User Profile: Smily1225
Smily1225 August 18th, 2021

Hello! I am so sorry that you are having these intense thoughts! I definitely understand how logic can be present, yet the anxious thoughts remain. I used to write down in a journal what thoughts I was having and specifically how they made me feel and what emotions I had because of them. This helped me to see them and understand them a bit better, rather than keeping them all in my head. The next step was to write any behaviors that I did after I had the thought. The last step was to write an alternative thought. I still struggle with the last part of the process. But the goal was to change the way I thought about different situations and to make it easier for me to do so in the future.

I hope you can feel a bit better today! laugh

@Frontenacs97 Same here. My thoughts seem to be trained to expect the worst and waiting for the shoe to drop. And while i have a facade of smiles and positivity deep inside im quite cynical about everthing. I realized that its a coping mechanism for me to not get crushed when the bad does happen. Like my system has had enough heartbreak and cant bear to go through another so it just thinks it the status quo. It also prevents me from trusting. Honestly I think it stems from bad things that repeatedly happened to me in my past and low self esteem that i dont deserve the good things. Its a hard habit to break and i wish you all the luck and strength. You're not alone :)