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Toxic sister

Damas June 12th, 2021

I have the most vindictive,envious,black hearted sister in the world. I always try to stay clear from her, but she never fails to cause me problems with family and acquaintances.. We are living under the same roof. Moving out is impossible at the time being.. any advise ? Hate is a heavey burden to bear. But I can't stand being around her. Any advise on being in a toxic family dynamic ?

danielioan June 12th, 2021

@Damas Try to dispose of a medium of self-effacement that compels you to disregard your agency, reducing you to a mere reagency, always reacting to some external stimulus, casting you farther away from yourself, from your "project", life-task. The worst form of reacting is resentment: anger, pathological vulnerability, impotent lust for revenge, thirst for revenge, poison-mixing in any sense -- no reaction could be more disadvantageous. If one has his own life task, saying yea to something, there where the vital energies are discharged, one would guard oneself against small expenditures of energies, even of having to say no altogether, for that too goes to negative ends. That's the instinct of self-defense. As you can not move out, you need to make a plan. I have no idea how that would look for you.

smallsami June 12th, 2021

@Damas I hope you're doing okay right now! Although the best solution would be to avoid your sister entirely, you both are iving under the same roof, thus making that impossible. I suggest that you limit contact with each other as much as possible: whether it be trying to take different routes to your kitchen, room, etc. That would help for you to have less exposure to her tactics. If contact really can't be helped, choose to ignore her. If she verbally abuses you in anyway, try your best to shut her words down and pretend you don't care. I know it's hard, but the less she gets of a reaction, the more she'll be discouraged to bother you. Turn to stony indifference whenever she pesters you or calls you mean things. Or just walk out of wherever you are! I wish you the best in whatever happens to you in the future and I really hope you're doing well.

Ylvavalraven June 12th, 2021

Being from a family with a toxic sister the best advice I can offer is 1 find a place for yourself. Time with a toxic sister is poison on you. 2 remember a toxic sister is going no where in life focus on bettering yourself so when the time comes leaving will be easy and you'll start your life off better than one that finds pleasure in causing you pain. And 3 remember your success puts her into perspective for others. She can only feel good when putting you down don't let it get to you. And remember it's not a bad thing to stand up for yourself if she pushes you past your point of feeling good about yourself

gentleFriend7557 March 5th, 2023

@Damas I can easily relate. My sister is just as toxic, if not worse. I feel the same exact way you do. I went no-contact with my sister so I blocked her on everything I could, and avoided being with her in-person.