Taking time off work
Hi everyone. I decided to take a leave of absence from work because my mental health is really bad right now. My anxiety and depression are very bad especially my anxiety. It almost feels like my soul was ripped out and replaced with anxiety instead if that makes any sense.
Anyway, I have some plans for what to do on my time off but would like more ideas. I'd like ideas to help me heal during this time. I already have plans to see a doctor so please don't say that. 😊 I'm looking for other things right now that don't have to do with a doctor or medicine.
Ideas so far...
Get outside
Read bible
Read a book
Listen to music
Go to my happy places (libraries or bookstores)
What other ideas do you have?
Thanks 😊
@BorahaeAndHappiness try out a new hobby! Painting or coloring books usually help me