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Strange Feelings About Reality Lately

TheRealAlice96 May 9th, 2022

For the past 3 or 4 months I have been having the weirdest thoughts and feelings that I have never experienced before. Sometimes it lasts only a moment and sometimes for a couple of seconds but usually not longer than or the intensity lessens if it goes on longer. Its like I suddenly don't think that my reality is real and that I'm either dreaming or have been in like a coma and this isn't my life. It feels so intense and terrifying for a few moments and then it goes away. Ot uses to only happen randomly every once in a while but now this happens a few times a day and I have no clue what causes it. It's like my brain feels like I am not me, for example a couple times there has been a moment where I would close my eyes and then I was convinced that I was actually a soldier trapped in the jungle and if I opened my eyes thats what I was going to see was the junge. Or I've felt like I was actually a late 30s aged mom who lived in a suburb who looked nothing like me. Its like watching a movie about other people but I am those people. Anyone have any advice on this or why this would just randomly start happening?

xiaoleli May 11th, 2022

Hi @TheRealAlice96

I don’t think it is the worst thing that you experienced what you had called weird thoughts and feelings. I believe I have also had experiences not quite the same but similar. On the philosophical level it could be anything that you wish to believe, but if you were to ask me I would say it’s like an episode of creativity. Have you tried writing them down or painting them out for I think if they were something out of your control you might as well record them. If they were a bother to you then I think talking to someone about their content and making connections to what you experience in regular daily life could give you surprising results. The strange feelings that you described in your post are quite vague so I think it’s better if you consider fundamentally if they are harmful to you. From my point of view, a stranger’s point of view, those thoughts seem really interesting and just like you said, almost like a movie. I am an artist myself so if I am experiencing episodes like this I will totally use it to my advantage if it doesn’t contradict with my daily work. I hope what you described in your post isn’t severely interfering with your reality or your perception of reality in which case it would be better for you to seek help from a professional. But if not I would say take it as a blessing or a gift of imagination. I hope your condition improves to your own benefit.