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Sharing my experience❤️

jesus88 March 24th, 2021

Hey guys, 7 months ago I was diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder and I also developed multiple phobias. However, with patience and faith I overcame some of them and I have made progress. Something I did that I'm pretty sure would help you is get sticky notes and write positive stuff on them. Grounding techniques, your favorite quotes etc. And just put them all over your room. It has helped me so much and still does. Hope it works for you too. Remember that the best way to overcome your fear is to face it. Sending love and positive vibes❤️

thjakie March 24th, 2021

Congratulations on your progress! Keep it up! Interesting strategy; thanks for sharing. Also sending love and positive vibes. Thanks for being you~ :P

chickensandwich1 March 25th, 2021

That is so awesome. Congrats and thank you for sharing! And you're so right about overcoming the fear, that's something I'm learning to push myself through. As a fellow member, keep up the great work :)