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Scared, worried, social anxiety

LaaLa August 23rd, 2016

Okay hey, so I'm having an anxiety attack right now and it sucks as usual. I'm sure if I focused on something else it would go away, but I can't just keep avoiding my problems, can I?

I'll try to keep it brief.

Just thinking about applying to jobs is starting to make me angry/anxious. This is something I thought I'd gotten over, but basically...I threw myself so hard into finding a job, (and obviously getting reject over and over again), that I feel like I'm just mentally broken in regards to jobs. I don't want a job but I know I need one. I don't know what to do about it, or how anyone even expects me to know what to do.

I have one friend (yes, just one), who's moving in 4 days. She's a mostly online friend, but we've met several times and I think we're both very important to each other.

I need to make new friends so I hopefully won't end myself. I'm afraid of going out and being in situations where no one wants me there, or where I'll just generally make an idiot of myself.

If anyone is reading this and is willing to talk to me, I would really appreciate it. Or you can just reply here, either way. I just want someone to talk to.

MusicIsEverything123 August 23rd, 2016

@LaaLa hey there :) Im always gonna be willing to talk to ya! Just send me a private message and I'll reply as soon as possible!

LaaLa OP August 23rd, 2016

@MusicIsEverything123 Thanks, I appreciate I the offer, but it seems you only talk to teens? Either way, thank you for responding smiley

SimpleOwl August 23rd, 2016


Welcome to 7 cups Laala! You came to the right place to find great people who will be here to support you. I can definitely empathize with being frustrated about sending applications for jobs, and not getting a bite. There are several things that I did that might be helpful for you as well.

1. Check out a few websites that could give you some tips about how to structure your resume and how to sell your skills effectively.

2. While searching for positions, it might be helpful to look into other titles that involve the kind of work that you would like to do. For example, if its mental health, these titles involve related work (Mental health technician, peer-counselor, mentor, case manager, Research assistant, etc)

3. If you are interested in a specific company in particular or know of several companies that offer the type of position you are looking for, look at the jobs section on their website- some job search engines dont have all of the available positions listed.

Most importantly, dont let the fact that you didnt get the jobs you applied for keep you down. It does not mean that you were not good enough! This is something that I think a lot of us go through.

If you want to talk more about this 1-1, feel free to message me! If you would like to connect with other people who might be experiencing similar issues, feel free to check out some of our group chats!

LaaLa OP August 23rd, 2016

@SimpleOwl Thanks for the response. I'm not so much looking for tips on how to search for jobs, as I am looking for someone who knows what it's like to not want to do any of this.

Thanks for taking the time to make such a detailed post. Maybe I'll drop you a line some time.smiley

SimpleOwl August 23rd, 2016


Sounds great :) I would be more than willing to talk about that.

patientFriend96 August 24th, 2016


Hello! Welcome to the 7 Cups of Tea Community! You are not alone with the whole job situation! I applied for a job and then turned down my interview due to my anxiety. I found it easier to work from home which is what I now do. I am a listener on here if you ever need to talk!! :) Just take it day by day and step by step! Also, you can check out the Anxiety Support Group Chat on here and talk to people who deal with the same stuff:) I wrote this in yellow, hoping to cheer you up as yellow is a happy color! :)

QuietSoul15 September 1st, 2016

@LaaLa Hello, It's understandable to feel overwhellmed when you are trying to function with anxiety and depression. You should be proud of yourself for challenging yourself as much as you have. Have you ever seen a professional for these issues? Somtimes when mental disorders get out of control it can be too difficult to handle things on our own.

LaaLa OP September 9th, 2016

Bumping my thread here.

I've also got more to say I guess. Or rather, more to complain about.

I'm so full of different thoughts and feelings sometimes. When I really think about my life, I feel angry, depressed, anxious. My thoughts only continue to get more scattered as time goes by. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, I don't know where my life is going right now, I don't even know if my life right now counts as living. Everyone says "do what you want", but I don't want to do anything. I just want to sleep and mess around on the internet.

I feel like I've been stuck in an existential crisis for years now and I can't get myself out. I am not even a human being anymore.