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Panic attack advice?

Daisy221 July 4th, 2022

I’ve always suffered from anxiety, but recently I’ve developed a panic disorder. It’s been making my life miserable. I’m tired of not being able to do anything like driving, or going out with friends and family. I recently started on medication. It’s been making my anxiety worse I think. Every morning I wake up feeling anxious and panicked. I feel spaced out as well. My question is, for anyone that’s taken anxiety or depression medication: does it get worse before it starts to get better? I’ve only been on it for less than a week, but I’ve taken it before and it’s never been like this. Thank you

anxietywarrior23 July 5th, 2022


so sorry you experience panic. I am not sure. I know medication takes time to work

pioneeringPark2431 July 5th, 2022

No help on the meds question unfortunately but i know how debilitating panic attacks can be as I also suffer and looking for answers the same as you. I hope we find them!

talktomeok July 6th, 2022

@Daisy221 If you are taking meds I would think you are seeing a psychiatrist and therapist or one or the other or both, cause only psychiatrist can prescribe meds at least in my country. The medication does not do magic, its the work with your a therapist that helps you to deal with the situation. So this is how has been with me when i was treating myself with a psychiatrist, the doctor will give me meds, and ontop of that I would work on my issues talking to the professional, ideally trying to find the root of the problems and try to work towards fixing it, but since many things are not that easy to find, treatments tend to take years at least. I am currently on with a therapist and without meds. But you should follow the professional advise of your therapist.

Sweetbuttercup33 July 6th, 2022


I completely understand how you are feeling, because I also suffer from anxiety and depression, and recently not sure why I have been spacing out to. Causing my life to be miserable to I do have meds that are suppose to help me with my anxiety and depression and I have been on them for many months, and i feel like they are not even helping me. Because I feel worse than since I started when I was not taking any medication. I feel like it just depends on the person and also the medication your regular Dr our psychiatrist prescribe if you have one. I heard from many people that some medications don’t work on them at first, but after they switch them they work fine but it all depends. Not everyone is the same maybe if it’s not working for you or me is something else going on that we just need to have checked out. I hope that you can talked to your professionals and explain that it’s making you worse maybe they have to reduce to a lower dose the medication you are on. Best of luck to you.