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fighter23 June 19th, 2017

As I type this I can feel myself with the onset of an anxiety attack. This is getting to be a lot. I decided to take an online class for the summer. It ends June 30th so I am right there but these last three assignments are getting to be a lot. My very last assignment I have to write a 5-7 page essay, single spaced and I am scared shitless. The first book I read Almost a Woman was really good. The second one is How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent. I start that tomorrow. As I am reading Dangerous Curves I am supposed to find the arguments made here and connect it to the other two books by pointing out the similiarites and differences. The problem is Dangerous Curves is boring the hell out of me. I can't pick up anything and I have a 100 pages I need to read by 11:59 tonight. I am so screwed. I am doing so well in the class and I don't want to fail because of this last class!!

MouKarai June 19th, 2017


Ahhh!! Hang in there! Sometimes there's no shame in just skimming the book and making do with what you have instead of trying to do the most you can. You seem like such a hard worker, and I know you'll manage somehow!

fighter23 OP June 19th, 2017

@MouKarai Thank you for the support! Ended up emailing my professor during the attack because I needed reassurance and clarification. I got both. I started off explaining that I was having an anxiety attack and being forced to right the email in case it sounded gibberish or whatever. I read one chapter last night and read another chapter today. I have one more chapter that I am not going to read- unless i need to. If I do it will read at the end. I am now on to How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent. 105 pages to read by tomorrow, notes need to be taken and post needs to be submitted. Goal is 60 pages tonight. Remainder tomorrow or I may just do a post without doing the 45 pages. I may sound a slacker with this but this class is intense.

MouKarai June 19th, 2017

@fighter23 Slacker? Not at all! I'm just glad you have everything under control now :)

fighter23 OP June 19th, 2017

@MouKarai Thank! Depends what you mean by under control! Does crying count?:(