One wish I have for the future is....
is to be a wife and have kids
Im 37 and Im not sure how soon is that future
To be able to talk to people and do things without worrying about any of it. And to be the person that I need to be.
I hope one day that I will be able to overcome the anxiety of having to live up to expectations. That one day I will be comfortable in my own abilities and not feel like I'm a failure before I have even tried.
To have money, financial stable that is. And just be happy
That i will be able to manage and not get affected by my destructive anxious toughts Day and night.
To get my mantel problems under control
I wish I would be able to experience happiness again in the form that I had when I was back in school and not caring about the future.
I'm working toward better benefiting humanity through innovations in computer science and technology. Also to develop better coping techinques for anxiety and depression
@BubbleTeaAndNetflix000 Those are good goal. Doing your best to try to help others and humanity as a whole!
To be happy with my life, and the choices I make.
That's a really good goal