One thing I feel nervous about today is...
@Laura I have this big exam I am nervous about it's the competitive exam u give in your country and I am so demotivated right now as to how to prepare for it and forget about all the pessimistic thoughts
We are dog sitting. And I am new to being a dog person. But we need to go out for 4 hours of the day and leave her on her own, and then we have our house warming party tonight. So I am nervous about leaving her alone and then introducing her to many of our friends. I hope she is ok.
@Laura school always school todya i was so nervous about getting yelled at for leaving yesterday cause i was so stressed and then my head of year spoke to me which i was dreading so much and i ended up crying in front of her for about half an hour and now i feel so awkward
The financial stability of the family
One thing I feel nervous about today is bills. I know we'll be ok but sometimes it feels very soon and gloom lol.
felt nervous about my recruitment procedure today
Wether or not I will pass my classes and find time for self-care
Sharing my diagnosis with others
Singing my new song while playing open mic at the piano in the park