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My guilt is eating me alive

HorrendousHexapod March 23rd, 2023

I'm sorry for making another post like this, but I just can't take this anymore. As I explained in a previous post I have anxiety issues which force me to look up specific ideas and topics that worry me for the sake of being open-minded, for the past couple of months, I promised myself not to give in to my anxieties and look up the things that worry me, namely articles about things like human nature, IQ, morality, etc. While it worked, for the most part, recently I've felt that begin to waver a bit and have found myself falling back into my old habits.

The other night, I made the stupid decision to look up one of these worrying websites to check that there were no posts specific to what I was obsessing over at the time, and, lo and behold, it sent me down another rabbit hole, specifically involving topics about LGBT people this time. While most people would just dismiss it as garbage, what got me worried was the author's use of science to justify their stances and the fact that they were apparently a scientist themselves. From what I read, even though I don't fully understand a lot of things in the field of psychology and couldn't address some of the points he made, some of the points that I could sort of understand had me skeptical, although a part of me thinks that this is just because I don't know a lot about psychology and statistics they use.

As I was logging out of this website, however, a thought occurred to me that the author probably wrote more about other specific topics that I had previously worried about in the past that I had previously spent hours of my time obsessively researching, but instead of giving in and going back I just went to sleep.

For the past two days, this feeling of guilt at not giving in to the voice in my head has been eating away at me, but I just don't want to go back to the website. Part of me thinks that it's because the author used science to severely criticize beliefs that I previously held, and that if I go back, I'll have to face the truth, but also that the reason I'm not going back to the website is that I'm afraid of reality and that I'm just being willfully ignorant. Even while I'm typing this, the little voice in my head is telling me that I'm pathetic and only writing this to get others to validate my desire not to do it and live in ignorance.

On the other hand, I know that if I go back to the website and read more, not only will I just work myself up and get worried again, taking hours to possibly weeks to make me calm down and forget about what I could read, but assuming that I find posts about these topics (which part of me thinks that I will) I could undo all of the progress that I have made over the past few months and set myself back severely.

I really don't know what to do anymore. Am I just destined to do this? I really want to just move on and forget about this, but the guilt keeps pulling me back.

toughTiger6481 March 23rd, 2023


let it go...

honestly while websites and having information at our hands CAN be helpful........ websites spread as much misinformation especially regarding items that have many different issues and often just is the authors slant .......