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Morning Anxiety

User Profile: JustLikeMellie
JustLikeMellie February 8th, 2017

Do you find yourself anxious in the mornings? What do you do to combat it?

User Profile: IAmHere83
IAmHere83 February 8th, 2017


I'm so sorry you have to go through anxiety. It's something that can affect your life deeply & it can be really hard to explain to those who've never experienced it, can't it? Waking up feeling as if you've fallen out with a loved one every single day...or like a punch to the stomach...or like you're going to be sick except there's no relief...It's like that & then some so I really do feel for you.

When I had anxiety it affected me worst in the mornings. There are many different ways of coping, but all I can share is what worked for me.

When I first opened my eyes, that clawing began immediately. I'd spend a little time, maybe 10 minutes, thinking of all the things in my life that I was lucky to have. The good things that made getting out of bed worthwhile, however small. From my favourite people to my first cup of coffee. It helped ground me & soothed the anxiety enough to allow me to confront the troubled spots I needed to navigate throughout the day.

I'd talk to friends. Talk & talk & talk. Not necessarily about me or my feelings...just talk. I found it cathartic to realise I was still me - I just happened to have anxiety. I could still be a good friend despite parts of me feeling so terrible & I was still capable of having fun times. I think that's important because anxiety is a great liar that convinces us we are less than or incapable...absolutely not!

Lastly, before bed, I would write down my feelings or failing that, anything that came to mind. Sometimes it was a few lines, sometimes it was bordering on a novel. Sometimes it was a letter to someone or something. Sometimes it was just general. At times it didn't even make any sense & I actually managed to make myself giggle with the ridiculous stories that seemed to flow out of me. But I always felt better & it allowed me to sleep.

Perhaps one of these things resonates with you. If not, please know there IS something out there that will. You have anxiety - anxiety does NOT have you. You are still you & I really hope you find a way to push back. Wishing you all the luck in the world & know that you're not alone in this. Take good care of yourself & sending you love.

1 reply
User Profile: jr50
jr50 February 9th, 2017

@IAmHere83. What awesome suggestions for combating morning anxiety, thank you for sharing them !

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User Profile: Emily619
Emily619 February 9th, 2017

Morning anxiety can definitely be hard sad I like to listen to calming music before school, I hope this helps you too!