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Lots of emotions.

tealCurrent9178 June 1st, 2022

Feeling lots of emotions. Feeling sad that I hurt someone's feelings, but sad they hurt my feelings for a year. Scared about my job and the duties they will have me do. I don't know how to do the job. Feel bad about my parent being sick. I want to stay home and not go outside. I have to have a job. I am not good at jobs. My sibling's pet is sick and we can not afford to have it checked out. I am so worried. Thanks for listening. Have good day!

AmethystUnicorn June 1st, 2022


Heya❤️ Thank you for sharing, it sounds like there’s a lot going on right now that is affecting you. I hope you’ve found the community here to be welcoming and caring, and we’re always here if you need us. You’ve got this!