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Losing myself

User Profile: Xhadaronn
Xhadaronn September 26th, 2020

I have realised I have absolutely no interests, hobbies or passions that match me or that I am good at. I have simply lost motivation to do anything and all I feel is that I want to give up on this life because I see no escape. Anything I try that could potentially interest me I manage to ruin because I simply feel it's not for me. I feel crippled by anxiety and frankly any sort of challenge scares me: even playing a video game which is supposes to be fun. That's how rigid I am... No solution I try seems to work and all I do is exhaust myself and the people around me.

User Profile: nadiasaleh26
nadiasaleh26 September 26th, 2020

I am like you thatbi suffer alot


User Profile: nadiasaleh26
nadiasaleh26 September 26th, 2020

I feel that i am too sad alot and dont be motivated to do anything at all

Although too distracted vbetween many things like tv shows

Surfing many websites