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Lockdown anxiety

User Profile: plumBeechwood7549
plumBeechwood7549 May 1st, 2020

I know I may be irrational, but I'm beginning to have a lot anxiety now because of the current situation. I cannot go to work because I'm not in a work from home industry, and everyone around me are still working from home. They cannot understand what situation I'm in and I can't talk about it. Even if I do it's a helpess time. It's been two months and all the plans I had for my business are now delayed for 1 year. I don't know what to do anymore, how to earn. I'm beginning to worry too much and getting really distraught!

User Profile: luxx454
luxx454 May 2nd, 2020

@plumBeechwood7549 I do not think you are being irrational as it is stressful if you are unable to work from home and perhaps your business plans have been put off for one year. While I do not know your whole situation, if it helps please feel free to talk about it with me or other people on this community. I am sure it is stressful in this time, and who knows what the future will hold, but it helps to just try and tackle one day at a time if you can. I find this quote helpful in trying to refocus my thoughts "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference".

1 reply
User Profile: plumBeechwood7549
plumBeechwood7549 OP May 2nd, 2020


Thank you for your kind words. It's just that if things were as they were before my new business would've started this month but now it's delayed indefinitely and along with it any chance of my income. Plus it's not like I can think of getting a job now either. The past few years have been tough and this was my one way to get out of the rut. Now, I don't know what will happen.

I am trying to accept this situation, as you mentioned, as none of us have any other option right. I also know it's for our best. I just hope I get another chance in the future, and that although late but I still can start working on my plans again. I just don't know what to do in the meantime.

I really appreciate your reply. It helps to talk.

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