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Life is too much right now

ColorfulMeg October 10th, 2016

Hi I am new here.... I have been having anxiety for a while (since high school) but I think I may need to talk to my doctor about medication. There are so many things pilling up and I don't know what to do. I am a senior in college and I'm having a lot of trouble with my math classes. I have a math disability called dyscalculia. Because my math scores are so low on the ACT I have to take 4 math classes to graduate. I just feel like I will never graduate even though I do have accommodations for my add. My family and I will be moving out of our family home next spring. The house we now have is to hard to take care of. It is better to move now because my dad was diagnosed with early onset alzheimers a few years ago. He is doing really well though. He never gets angry and is really good natured dispite his diagnosis. I do have a place to go when we move. I might be staying at my grandpas home and pay rent. I will have to take two classes next semester and quit my student worker job to focus on the math. I do feel a lot of pressure to get a full time job even though my family is very supportive. I still feel like I am not enough or I can not live up to my own expectations.

I do understand and feel for anyone going through alzheimers or college it is a hard thing to go through.

lindsayscheinermanLPC October 10th, 2016


I think talking to your doctor could be a very good resource for you. Also maybe your campus has some free counseling available to students?

you do have a lot going on. Make sure to take care of yourself. Do nice things for yourself.

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MilkMan October 10th, 2016

"Tough times don't last long, but tough people do"

•Try to get good quality sleep

•Take time everyday to relax the body/mind(I would suggest meditation)

helpfulSugar9 October 10th, 2016


As I read your post, I really felt like you were going through a lot of things. School was tough for me too, especially math even though I don't have discalcula(?). And working? the thought of you with math and the changing of houses, sound like it really is a lot. I would definately have a hard time. But I am proud of you for not giving up, and even feel like working. That is very very courageous. I am also very glad to hear that your dad is doing well. I hope you keep going, and do your best, as I think you do.

loveon December 15th, 2016
. what you can, and see what happens. I am talking about college.

2. have faith that it will be as it is supposed to be. Now I am talking about everything.

Love yourself even if you are not how you want to be right now. You will get where you want, just allow yourself to grow into it

All the best to you! :)

Exist56 December 20th, 2016

@ColorfulMeg You are enough. How you are performing in your classes right now doesn't define the totality of who you are or will be. You've got a lot on your plate. It doesn't mean you aren't strong and capable because you are feeling this way or aren't performing where you would like to in your classes. You are going through things that would make the strongest, most self-assured person in the world have feelings of self-doubt.