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Life is moving too quick

amiablePal9825 October 15th, 2019

Hi guys, this is my first post in this and Im not really sure how the app works but I just wanted a place to share how I feel and hopefully get some advice?

Im in my last year in collage and feel so overwhelmed that at 22 Ill be in the real world. I often feel like I havent achieved anything, very little life experience and that they big bad works is going to tear me apart? I feel so unprepared and that life is just moving so quick and I dont get how i can feel so much like a baby but at the same time feel as though Im supposed to have my life together.

I took a panic attack last week and ended up in hospital and I was told to take a few days off college.Im heading back in morning and feel so anxious that I havent been able to eat at all today. Im afraid Ill be behind in lectures, Im afraid Ill be asked why I missed days, Im afraid Ill do something to make a fool of myself... but Im also terrified to take more time off Incase I fall further behind.

I just really want to know that Im not alone in feeling like I should have my entire life together when really Im still just a kid trying to figure life out.

MaryJaneDotes October 17th, 2019


I can definitely relate to this! I was feeling similarly when I was in my last year. Everyone seemed to have a plan and a path, and I had no clue what I was going to do.

In fact, I spent the next few years thinking school was all I really knew how to do and how to succeed at. What am I supposed to do now?

Years later I've realized it's a natural thing to worry about. Even if you think you have everything figured out, chances are life still has more lessons for you. Life always feels like it's coming full speed, but you do have time. Enjoy your last year in college! And don't worry, I'm sure plenty of folks around you would understand what you're feeling.

I'm new to the forums, but if you ever need a chat im around. 💜

thoughtfulmomma October 16th, 2019

Hi Amiable,

The transition from college to "the real world" (which is kind of silly that we all say that - we've all been in the "real world" the whole time, college is just a different part of it) can be stressful, but I don't want you to beat yourself up about it. Actually, you're doing great to graduate so early - it took me almost a decade of going to school on and off to finally graduate.

Here's something I've learned, since I'm a few decades older now.

In my 20s I was care free, having fun, living life, doing college, and making tons of mistakes along the way. I really believe that's what your 20s is for - this is the best time to learn, mess up, try again, and have adventures along the way.

In my 30s I got smart. What I mean is, I found my discipline. I understood more about who I was, how to take care of myself, was starting a career and a family. I finally understood all the things my parents had been teaching me my whole life.

And now, in my 40s, I really understand who I am and what I want to do with my life.

You don't have to have everything figured out at 22. You shouldn't, really. Because you are going to have a ton of experiences that will help you figure things out and help you grow along the way. You're doing fine!

amiablePal9825 OP November 11th, 2019

Really sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much for your advice! It