Is it just me?
Sometimes in very quiet and calm times even the sound of my phone typing or the sound of my fingers rubbing together or pretty much any sound that is quiet and soft freaks me out. Like my body gets that weird annoying anxiety panic feel and I cant figure out why. Is it a normal thing? No one I've asked has ever had it. Like louder noises in these situations dont freak me out but the tiny ones do. Is it just me?
no, it is not just you, I get that way too. and it all just depends on the people and how bad their anxiety can get.
@DYINGARCHITECT I understand as I feel like that sometimes.
Hi there. No, you are not alone in this! I have felt the same way too. Quiet noises can be bothersome for me as well, especially when I'm in a very peaceful environment. Actually, there is a disorder called misophonia that sounds a bit like what you're describing.
Misophonia is just a strong, negative reaction to certain sounds and it's normal. Sometimes when people with misophonia hear sounds -- loud, quiet or in between -- that trigger them, they can feel any range of emotions. This spans from irritation to intense anger to anxiety and panic. There are different degrees of intensity, different trigger sounds, and different reactions. For instance, when I hear chewing sounds, or repeated scratching, sometimes it makes me stressed annd tense. It is often connected to instances of anxiety. Like I said, everyone's triggers and reactions are different, and there can be varying degrees. This, of course, isn't a diagnosis, but if it's a common problem, you could look into it.
- Inky :)
@DYINGARCHITECT I get that way in my house. If I'm up late at night and all is quiet, every little creak and crack freaks me out.
@jordanc0856 same! It's also my own fault because I watch so many scary movies 😅 but I get you