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I'm overwhelmed with my anxiety πŸ’”

Rayray20 January 18th, 2020

I've dealt with anxiety for years now and I had a dog that helped me battle my anxiety daily. I got married last year in August and had to leave my dog with my mom. I couldn't take him with me because my husband and I are living with his family and they don't allow any animals inside. I use to live with my mom until I got married. They really don't understand how badly I need my dog to help me cope. Changing where I live and not being able to have my dog with me everyday is really affecting my health badly. I've spoken to them about it and they refuse to allow us to bring a dog inside. My husband and I can't rent because we only have one income, from his job. I'm in school and he wants me to not worry about working until I graduate. I really just feel so hopeless because we haven't gotten anything saved just yet because we keep having one financial problem happen after another. I'm happy to be married, but I'm completely miserable with my situation! I lay awake at night for hours just thinking constantly. When I finally fall asleep all I have are nightmares and I wake up all throughout the night. I have no peace at anytime in my day. I can't get away from my anxiety and it's only getting worse without my dog helping me cope with it. I literally feel like I'm drowning and nobody understands... no matter how much I try to explain it to them... πŸ’”

Shanna January 18th, 2020

I'm so sorry that your situation is so consuming and is making you feel so stuck. It's really frustrating when even the people who love us aren't really understanding what our needs are--that can feel so isolating and make a tough situation even tougher, and I'm sorry your in-laws are so inflexible about it. Pets are so healing and I know I'd be feeling very similar if I wasn't able to live with mine indefinitely. Is there any possibility of the two of you staying with your mom instead of his family, or are there space or other constraints on that? Do you get to visit your dog often or at all? Would it be possible to set up regular walks/visits throughout the week? Could you negotiate with your husband and his family for you to stay over at your mom's house every now and then to recharge a little with your dog--either alone or with your husband? What does your mom think of the situation?

Sending healing and calming vibes to you--you are juggling a lot despite your anxiety and that takes a lot of strength and resiliency. I'm glad you reached out here for support!

Rayray20 OP January 18th, 2020

@Shanna thank you for replying. I would stay at my mom's if she had room. I'm one of 14 kids and most of my siblings still live at home. They don't have any room for me and my husband too have our own space sadly. I started taking to my mom to see if she will let me take my dog out for the day, but she's not being very understanding and ignores my question or brushes it off with a joke. We visit every other week. My husband works a lot and one of the days he's off I have school. Sometimes I hold off on going to my mom's house because it gets really stressful being around so many people. I love my siblings, but when I go over there they're pulling me every which way and asking me so many questions. It makes it hard to enjoy my time over there some times unfortunately.