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raychascotch November 11th, 2016

@raycascotch ready to cry.. I am finally even with my bills. I don't owe any back pay. I am able to pay what is actually due. Have money left over. To change the oil in the oil in the car. I have actually saved up 907.00. In a short period, I wish I could say it was going to toward a Christmas fund. It is actually going toward driving under the influence of taking the wrong medication at the wrong time. In the USA it is called a DUI. I have never been in trouble with law in my entire life until now. I went for a drug screening today the counselor said I don't have a drug addiction. I just had knee surgery I shouldn't been driving that day.

professionalPerspective60 November 11th, 2016


Hey there!

Its okay if you feel like crying, it's perfectly normally, and realease a lot of tension! No one would blame you, it's sounds like you have been through some ordeal there! But I actually think you have done incredibly well, you have been knocked down, got yourself back up, dusted yourself down, and owed up to your responsibilities, paid your fine back, still have enough income to live of, this shows just how much control you have over your life, this is a proud moment because you continued to take steps forward and deal with the mishaps, you didn't let circumstances drag you down, and that my friend, is a perfect healthy balance of life! You should be proud of your efforts!

Its unfortunate you received the DUI over pharmaceutical medication, and I do hope you are recovering well after your knee surgery, any kind of surgery is dreadful experience to have to go through, so I do hope you are finding support in others.

You take good care of yourself, and don't be so hard on you!

All the best.

raychascotch OP November 12th, 2016


Thank you I have never thoughted the way you expressed it so well. Yes I actuallly I recovered nicely from my total right knee replacement. The over medicating and driving was two years ago I didn't get charge with the DUI until July 2016 the state was waiting for lab reports. I go back to.court in December to pay my fine. I have 700 still to save for. I am getting there. I need to get my left knee replaced. I am very scared to have the surgery. Becacause of the pain meds. There was four weeks where it was just confusing. I was taking more then I should. Pain meds are very addicting in a short period of time. I just dont want that experience again even that it was four weeks. It was a hard lesson to learn. I am so embarrassed and shamed by my actions.

helpfulSugar9 November 17th, 2016


I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. But DUI because of a pain medication and that expensive fine ? I feel so sad hearing that you've tried so hard to make money and are going through surgery at the same time. I don't have experience driving, but I feel like this DUI is a misunderstanding. Is there a way to appeal this? maybe you can go to the court and say that you have gone through surgery and was taking pain killers and accidentally took it the wrong time. I feel awful hearing that fine when you clearly didn't try to intentionally do this.

raychascotch OP November 27th, 2016


I thought like you did at first. When a lawyer explained it to me I came to realize the severity of driving under the influence of prescription medications. The prescription meds did alter my driving skills and my cognitive ability. I could have caused someone's life or a major accident. I could have ended my own life that day. Thank goodness none of those scenarios played out. It's a stiff fine. I go in front of the judge December 8 to pay half of 1650.00. Christmas will be delayed at my house this year. Things will work out. This first time I have been in trouble with the law. I will have diversion, I have a program to complete for one year and it won't go on my record.