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Hikingtofixme July 2nd, 2019

Hey, thank you in advanced.

ive always struggled with social anxiety, back home I have just one friend who Ive had since first grade- he doesnt want to date or marry, doesnt want friends outside of Reddit and is fine with all of that.

i want friends, I long for it, I want a relationship, Im a man and have been single for five years since my ex broke up with me in college (I dropped out right after).

this year I decided to hike the entire Appalachian trail to expose myself to people in an environment where family isnt around, friends arent around, theres no cell service and the only people to talk to are the ones around you who are also hiking. Im over 900 miles in and I had made a lot of progress until recently.

i had somehow managed to swallow my gut and talk to and make friends with a diverse group of super friendly people, most of them were older than me, but they really liked my sense of humor and we were having tons of fun together.

the other night however, we went to a brewery and I got belligerently drunk, tried to take a shower in a utility closet and then proceeded to walk naked through the camp ground, trampling one of my new friends tents in the process.

i am staying in touch with the guy with the tent and am going to pay for the damages, im apologizing to everyone I see, but im so embarrassed, it was hard enough breaking the ice with these people with my shyness, now I have to show my face after they all have seen my manhood.

​just need help

Hikingtofixme OP July 2nd, 2019

Ran out of room. I would also like to add to this that I feel horrible for having done this, Ive never done anything like this while drinking and I cant believe I was capable of doing something so disgusting. I feel bad for anyone who had to see me and I especially feel bad for the guy whos house I destroyed. So Im overwhelmed with guilt and embarrassment and both of those have only made me revert even deeper into my shell I had worked so hard to break out of. Thank you to anyone who has advice for this, I really have no one to turn to @Hikingtofixme