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I Can't Do Anything Right

DenialTwist January 26th, 2021

I can’t do anything right. I always say the wrong things, I can’t make any friends because I can’t fit in to any group or clique, I was always a background character in my previous friend groups. I draw, I love to draw. But when I show people they always put me down. I want to write but I can’t, I’m a mediocre cook. I can’t focus on anything anymore, not even fun things like music or books. Everything is "I can’t" and I’m so sick of it. I want to cry so, so bad. I just want this all to stop but I can’t. I tried therapy but I was too shy to talk to MY OWN THERAPIST. MY OWN THERAPIST! It was so embarrassing, my god. I don’t want to tell my mom because I’m afraid that she’ll throw me into a mental hospital. I don’t have any friends. I tried talking to listeners on 7cups but they’ve all been meh (no offense to listeners, of course) I can’t focus on my schoolwork but I want to be a vet and my mom's always talking about how important education is and I want to make her proud. But I can’t. She gave up so much for me and I give her mediocrity and I feel like a burden. I feel like a skid mark on my family’s name. I feel like a failure and I just might be one.

I don’t know what I want by posting this but I’m stuck. I’m stuck and I don’t know how to get out.

dragonball4lyfe January 26th, 2021

Psst . Try crocheting. I suck at a lot of things well I did. I started watching videos on YouTube and tried and boom I did it! Also cooking ? What types of things do you like to cook or eat? I have some recipes easy because I’m cheap and well I don’t have a lot of time to cook because it’s usually whenever someone’s hungry i cook I have a time limit. I’m writing a cook book for my kiddos :)

DenialTwist OP January 26th, 2021


I mostly bake cakes and other sweets. I like to make soups too. To be honest, it's not the fact that I can't cook good that hurts me, it's seeing my mom have to fake interest in my baking/cooking that hurts.

dragonball4lyfe January 26th, 2021

Meh don’t take it to heart. Cook for you not for her affection. I always wanted my moms but I’m 31 it’s time to move on. I have kids of my own and it’s evident I don’t know how to be emotional with them. I should hug them more I know I should but showing emotion is hard for me as it was beat out of me. I bake for the feeling I accomplished something great, I usually cook for my kids and husband or I make random things and it’s who ever wants it. I love cooking soups! Cabbage soup is amazing and I hate veggies lmao. I want to try like a cream of chicken with chicken breast in it and some potato chunks and bacon with cheese and mushrooms! Idk sounds good

DenialTwist OP January 26th, 2021


Thank you for this. I've been trying to convince myself to do what I like for me and not for others, it never sunk in. But, seeing someone else say this, it feels true.