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Health anxiety

User Profile: amiablePal9825
amiablePal9825 January 10th, 2020

Since late last year a very close family member of mine has been suffering from sever health anxiety. She is very anxious that she is going to pass away and noticing a freckle/spot/cut on herself can cause extreme anxiety attackts. If she has a headache or sore throat she tries to admit herself to hospital/ call an ambulance thinking shes going to pass away.

I have suffered with anxiety for my entire teen and adult life. And this family member has always been so supportive and amazing to me, but I feel like shes making it very hard for me to help her.

Due to my line of work myself and my family are entitled to free 24/7 councilling over the phone and a number of free face to face sessions, I have suggested she attends these but she acts very dismissive, or fakes instrest. She is the first to say she is aware nothing is wrong with her thats she just cant control the panic, and needs help, but shes refusing any help.

She has since started to put myself down, almost as if everything is a competition. If I stubbed my toe today, she stubbed two toes, sort of thing. This came along about the same time as her health anxiety and Im not sure if they are connected.

Im worried as she is slowly getting worse and I feel as though Im being pushed away when Im trying to help! She knows she needs help and is constantly saying I need to get rid of this but wont seek or accept it.

Had anyone ever dealt with health anxiety before? Any help would be amazing!

User Profile: DavidEss
DavidEss January 12th, 2020



She just wants to be listened to, by you, whatever she says.

Hang on in there and make cups of tea!

It's not easy being faced with this situation, but she won't accept help until she's ready to beg for it, and perhaps not even then.

You are being a really good friend.