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Feeling SUPER Anxious

humorousNest8793 October 11th, 2020

Hoping to get some type of relief by posting this message. I feel like I suffer from severe anxiety, and it's kicking in right now. Maybe it's work right now stressing me out. Maybe it's the COVID. Maybe it's some type of PTSD. Whatever it is, I want it to go away, permanently. I hate feeling like this. I get dizzy. My heart starts racing. It's not a good feeling at all. 😢

7motivation October 11th, 2020


Breathing techniques are supposed to be good for anxiety.

When done with movement, that can help even more.

I do this Tai Chi stretching and breathing and it feels very good,

either standing

or sitting

For explanation, see thread I made here

I just like the moves. I don't really pay attention to the Chi idea.

But I do imagine gathering up and releasing all my stress so it leaves my body. That helps and also the names of the moves and the calming mental imagery that creates is nice.

Please forgive any typos above.

humorousNest8793 OP October 11th, 2020


thank you!

ajw99 October 13th, 2020


If your friend was in your exact situation, what would you tell her?

humorousNest8793 OP October 13th, 2020


I'd tell them they'll be okay and to just stay calm. I'd give them a big hug and probably cry with them. Thank you for this reminder. All things I should be telling myself. ❤️

jayj101 October 13th, 2020


Words cannot describe how much I can relate to this right now. I feel the exact same every single day of my life at the moment. Some days I feel like it's getting better but then some days I go back to feeling anxious about everything going on. I get so anxious I feel like I can't breathe and my heart is beating so fast! I'm trying to think of all the positive things in my life every time this is happening and it does seem to make me feel better! I'm also going to start writing my feelings down to see if this will make me feel better! You're so strong we are all here to support you you're not alone in this X

humorousNest8793 OP October 14th, 2020


This brought me so much comfort❤️ Together strong! 💪🏽

jayj101 October 14th, 2020

@humorousNest8793 yes!!! Always here for you❤️