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Fear of bugs

tealCurrent9178 February 15th, 2022

I have a really bad fear of bugs. Wish someone could understand me. I am tired of these things. Wish all bugs would go away. I work around kids. Lice and bed bugs are a real fear these days. I can not even function some days. Wish I could just stay home and not go out in the real world. I want friends to hug me and say it will be ok. But I can not get past this fear. Hope you have a better day than me.

MidwesternCalmSeeker March 14th, 2022

@tealCurrent9178 I am sorry that you are struggling with this fear. I have a similar fear of spiders. It is no fun. Big virtual hug. You can find ways to get thru this. Take care.

tealCurrent9178 OP March 20th, 2022


Thanks, I am trying.