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Family Gathering and Anxiety

ajw99 July 3rd, 2020

I'm supposed to go to a family gathering tomorrow and I'm really struggling describing how anxious I feel about the whole thing to my family. Rationally, I know that people don't really care if I come, and if I do, they probably won't pay much attention to me, but I'm so anxious it hurts. What hurts just as much is not being able to talk to the closest people in my life about this.

I don't know what to do.

Jem7Cups July 7th, 2020

@ajw99 what is it you're feeling anxious about?

faithlove1111 July 8th, 2020

@ajw99 Hi. Hugs to you . How did the gathering go ?

ajw99 OP July 8th, 2020


Thank you both. I did not go and thankfully my family was understanding. Today, I have a second chance to go and I am going to take it!

faithlove1111 July 9th, 2020