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Evening panic

Amie7 April 10th, 2016

I find myself posting all the time... but its really useful getting to know other peoples experiences etc.

I tend to feel OK all day... but when it gets to the evening 6-7pm i start to get this strange wave of panic (not a panic attack) but a very strange unrealistic, or very realistic panic feeling when theres nothing to panic about. I try to relax or keep myself occupied, but as soon as ive had this feeling its on my mind all night until i fall asleep. Its a lot worse on Sunday evening... but I have been getting it every evening for weeks. Anyone else experience this? Does it go away?

April 11th, 2016

@Amie7 Hey, I understand how you feel, and I sometimes have these too. You can talk to me anytime, if you would like :)

houdini16409 April 26th, 2016

@Amie7 I get panic attacks all the time in the evening, it stinks and it is starting to affect my sleep. I've tried calming things to help me sleep, but yes I sometimes feel like I am afraid to sleep too

Goldensunshine27 April 26th, 2016

@Amie7 yup, this happens to me too. I worry about my fear of dying before bed. I've found doing a night time routine helps. I shower, shut off my phone, read, then go to sleep. The routine seems to calm me down. When I don't do it, I have a harder time at night.

Jennalovely2 April 11th, 2016

Hey there! Thanks so much for sharing this!

I understand 100% how you feel! During the even and late at night is when I start to get the most anxious and those moments are usually when my panic attacks would kick in! Also I know that for me, it has not really gone away I have just been able to manage it more using coping skills!

If you need anything or would like help with some, feel free to send me a message! laugh

Amie7 OP April 11th, 2016


Thanls for the reply. Yes its during the night that ive had panic attacks too. Im starting to think if im scared about going to sleep or something... ill be starting counselling/CBT soon. See how that goes. Hope all is well with you.

nlpinspiration April 25th, 2016

Thank you for sharing informations on 7 cups. It is good that you had decided to visit CBT counsellor. Maybe that is the best decision at this moment. Few years ago I also experience anxiety with bad episodes, and I put much effort to overcome it. JUst have in mind that all you think during anxiety episodes is unreal and it is only in the mind. You are welcome if you want to chat.

Amie7 OP April 25th, 2016


Thank you. My first CBT session went well today, and im feeling positive.